One expert called the guidance "a game-changer for antitrust enforcement, incorporating decades of new learnings and thousands of public comments from working families and small businesses."
The choice confronting the Biden administration is whether to expand an immigration program prioritizing grower profits over workers’ and immigrants’ rights, or to reinforce an immigration system based on family reunification and community stability.
Under the current system, “the lungs of the Earth are being plowed up and bulldozed to plant more corn and soybeans so that more animals can be raised in confinement.” "Farmers need to follow the lead of India’s farmers and make our voices heard.”
Right now, government money is flowing. But soon the self-appointed guardians of “fiscal responsibility” will call for cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and SNAP, while leaving the defense budget and large tax breaks for the wealthy intact.
Center for Study of Political Graphics
Center for Study of Political Graphics
As femicide continues to plague the world, we must continue to fight the systems that are complicit in their acceptance of it and for the families demanding justice for their loved ones.
At a press conference on Jan. 6, the President of Mexico said the neoliberal model had failed; private banks were not serving the poor and people outside the cities, so the government had to step in.
The reasons for major flows of migration to Europe actually come from... Europe itself. Those leaving war zones—Syria and Afghanistan in West Asia... also Eritrea and Libya—come in expected numbers fleeing bombs that are often produced in Europe.
They should let a lot of their companies go bankrupt so that Americans can buy them. They should have the same kind of free market that has wrecked the US economy.
Our era is ripe for change. Neoliberalism is politically and morally bankrupt, yet a new vision for economic policymaking in the 21st century has yet to be fully articulated, let alone become a convincing alternative to the neoliberal model.
Donald Trump was an outsider who boldly stormed the citadel of Washington DC and won. He has promised real change, but his infrastructure plan appears to be just more of the same – privatizing public assets and delivering unearned profits to investors at the expense of the people. He needs to try something new; and for this he could look to Abraham Lincoln, whose bold solution was very similar to one now being considered in Europe: just print the money.
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