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The Rev. James M. Lawson Jr., 1928–2024

Peter Dreier The Nation
The “greatest teacher of nonviolence in America” was a mentor to generations of activists, from Martin Luther King Jr. to today’s union organizers and immigrant rights campaigners.


How To Be a Nonviolent Second-Wave Feminist

Eleanor J. Bader The Indypendent
In 47 essays written from the early 1970s to the late 1990s, prominent Second Wave feminists question how nonviolence might be applied to effectively transform violent systems of aggression, from rape to war.

Tidbits – May 16 – Reader Comments: Trump Trial, Arms to Netanyahu, Campus Protests – Impact on Gaza War, Colleges, Society, Elections; Palestine, Gaza, Israel; Haiti; Kenya; Sing in Solidarity; Song Nights for Social Change; Cartoons; More …

Reader Comments: Trump Trial, Arms to Netanyahu, Campus Protests - Impact on Gaza War, Colleges, Society, Elections; Palestine, Gaza, Israel; Haiti; Kenya; Sing in Solidarity; Song Nights For Social Change; Cartoons; more ....

Tidbits – Apr 18 – Reader Comments: Trump on Trial; Bombing Embassies; Ending Property Taxes; Alabama Communists in the Jim Crow South; Israeli Pavilion Remains Shut at Venice Biennale; Earth Week; John Brown Day; Nakba Days of Action; More;,,,

Reader Comments: Trump on Trial; Bombing Embassies You Are Not At War With; Ending Property Taxes; Alabama Communists in the Jim Crow South; Israeli Pavilion Remains Shut at Venice Biennale; Earth Week; John Brown Day; Nakba Days of Action; more;

Tidbits - Feb. 25, 2021 - Reader Comments: Texas, Climate Change, Solar Energy; Student Debt; GOP as Cult; Rush Limbaugh; Myanmar Mass Civil Disobedience; Healthcare; End Cuban Blockade; Freedomways, Civil Rights, Race; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; more...

Reader Comments: Texas, Climate Change, Solar Energy; Cancel Student Debt; GOP as Cult; Rush Limbaugh; Myanmar Mass Civil Disobedience; Healthcare; End Cuban Blockade; Freedomways, Civil Rights, Race; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; resources, announcements

How the World is Proving Martin Luther King Right About Nonviolence

Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan Washington Post
"I left India more convinced than ever before that nonviolent resistance was the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom." - "The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.," edited by Clayborne Carson. In this decade - in which more people are using nonviolent resistance than ever before - scholars and practitioners alike would do well to consult the pragmatic and principled wisdom of Gandhi and King in building a way forward.
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