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Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

Ashutosh (Ash) Jogalekar The Curious Wavefunction
In what reviewer Ashutosh (Ash) Jogalekar calls a "poignant and beautiful, simple and without frills and from the heart" exposition, Italian physicist Carlo Rovelli guides us through seven of the main ideas of physics. These are, Jogalekar writes, not just ideas that have advanced our understanding of science, but they are also ideas that have "expanded our consciousness and connected us to our origins and future."

Entanglement Made Simple

Frank Wilczek Quanta
Quantum entanglement is thought to be one of the trickiest concepts in science, but the core issues are simple. And once understood, entanglement opens up a richer understanding of concepts such as the “many worlds” of quantum theory.

Even Avogadro Didn’t Know Avogadro’s Number

Rhett Allain Wired
Avogadro's number is sort of like a bridge. It bridges chemistry and atomic physics. In chemistry we measure bulk properties like mass, pressure, volume, temperature. However, when we consider these things from an atomic perspective we look at individual atoms and the momentum, velocity of these particles. Avogadro's number connects these two ideas and allows us to explore atomic-level things by measuring macroscopic level quantities. It’s a big deal.

Friday Nite Videos -- October 3, 2014

Subway Flashmob: Bolero. A History Of The Minimum Wage. Anti-matter Explained. People's Climate March -- Aerial Footage. Bill O'Reilly's Anti-Terrorist Mercenaries.

Antimatter Explained

This is real physics, not a comic book storyline: every type of particle has an anti-particle that is its mirror image. But why is there so much more matter than anti-matter?

One Thing Is Certain: We Cannot Change Physics

Hilary Rosner Public Library of Science
The race for renewable sources of energy is far from over, and the winners may ultimately be those that mimic nature rather than subverting it. Because one thing is certain: we cannot change physics.

Media Bits & Bytes - Three Card Monte Edition

Palestinians Blocked from Getting Smartphone Service; NSA Technology Simply Too Old to Search; Who Owns Your Data When You Die?; New Computing Physics Soon to Emerge from NASA-Google Partnership; GED Gets a Digital Makeover and Faces Competition

Waiting for the Revolution

The Standard Model is a physical theory of a spectacularly successful sort. It is built on beautiful and deep mathematics, covers almost all known physical phenomena, and agrees precisely with the result of every single experiment ever done to test it. It leaves open a very small number of questions: why this specific combination of groups? What determines the parameters of the model? What about gravity? Does it need to be extended to account for dark matter?

Dispatches from the Culture Wars - Now You See It, Now You Don’t Edition

Broken Bridge Already Off Google Maps; There May be a Glow-in-the-Dark Cockroach, or Not; Peace Corps Says Yes to Gay Couples, Exxon Says No; New On-line Source for TV News Archives; Newseum Gets Flack for Honoring Slain Arab Newsmen; Climate Change Will Be Fought in the Courts; How Harvard Approved That Racist Immigration Dissertation; Physicist Eric Weinstein May Have the Answer to Everything, or Not; How the Federalist Society Got Custody of the Law.
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