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Stephen Hawking Speaks

Stephen Hawking Reddit
portrait photo of Stephen Hawking Two years ago, Reddit held an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942-March 14, 2018). In this session the renowned physicist talked about the promise and risk of AI, technological unemployment, and more.

It's Marie Curie's 150th Birthday, And Her Legacy Deserves More Nuance

K.N. Smith Forbes
On her 150th birthday, that leaves us with the question of how to view Curie and her work. It would be wrong to downplay the significance of her scientific discoveries or her equally groundbreaking career, but it’s important not to focus on the temptingly romantic version of her story at the expense of a more clearheaded look at her legacy and what it means to modern science.

Friday Nite Videos | July 28, 2017

Detroit | Movie. What Is The Shape of Space? Russian Mob Money Helped Build Trump Business Empire. Bernie Sanders: GOP Is Now A Right-Wing Extremist Party. Why White Supremacists Love Tucker Carlson.

What Is The Shape of Space?

A collaboration with Jorge Cham (PhD comics) and Daniel Whiteson gives a mind-bending answer to a deceptively simple question. 

19 Women Leading Math and Physics

Natalie Wolchover Quanta
Top women in mathematics and physics discuss how they got to where they are — and why there aren’t more of them.

The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics

Steven Weinberg New York Review of Books
Regarding the future of quantum mechanics, I have to echo Viola in Twelfth Night: “O time, thou must untangle this, not I.”
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