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How Police Have Undermined the Promise of Body Cameras

Eric Umansky, with additional reporting by Umar Farooq Propublica, co-published with The New York Times Magazine
Hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars have been spent on what was sold as a revolution in transparency and accountability. Instead, police departments routinely refuse to release footage — even when officers kill.

What Noir Films Taught Us About Police

Joe George The Progressive Magazine
Before copaganda became widely televised in shows like “Law & Order,” police were more accurately portrayed as abusers of power.


Police are the Problem, Not the Solution

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent
The author argues convincingly and in graphic detail that the problem with police in civil society is not just the lack of adequate training, police diversity, increased militarization or even police methods such as the routine brutalization of many people of color, but the dramatic and unprecedented expansion in the last four decades of the too-accepted social role of police. The problem, the sociologist-author insists, is policing itself.

Police Unions, Police Officers, and Police Abolition

Rosa Squillacote Portside
Abolition of the carceral state is a fundamental political goal for the Left today: specifically, abolishing the carceral state’s logic and institutions. . Abolition is both a goal and a discourse: it informs the strategies we adopt, as well as the framework we use to critique the carceral state and describe alternatives.
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