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Kap, Cops and Confederate Statues: A Better World Without Double Standards

Frank Serpico CounterPunch
Frank Serpico, who testified against NYPD police corruption in 1972, joined more than 100 African American uniformed officers who demonstrated at a rally supporting NFL player Colin Kaepernick's objections to police abuse and inequality. "Kaepernick was not disrespecting the flag or our vets. I believe that Kaepernick was protesting a corrupt system of justice that allows some police to use excessive force, even the taking of innocent life, without consequences"

Police Unions, Police Officers, and Police Abolition

Rosa Squillacote Portside
Abolition of the carceral state is a fundamental political goal for the Left today: specifically, abolishing the carceral state’s logic and institutions. . Abolition is both a goal and a discourse: it informs the strategies we adopt, as well as the framework we use to critique the carceral state and describe alternatives.


Marque Richardson on His Big Episode of Dear White People and How Art Can Be Activism

Jackson McHenry Vulture
In the wrenching fifth episode of the series, Reggie gets into a fight with a white character who uses the N-word at a party, then winds up held at gunpoint by the campus police. As Richardson explained, the episode, which was directed by Moonlight’s Barry Jenkins, rejiggered the structure of the show and forced the writers to figure out a new way forward.

Florida Cop Shot Black Man with His Hands Up

Francisco Alvarado, Michael E. Miller and Mark Berman Washington Post
Police in South Florida shot an unarmed black caretaker Monday as he tried to help his autistic patient. I was thinking as long as I have my hands up . they're not going to shoot me, he told local television station WSVN from his hospital bed. Wow, was I wrong. Police then handcuffed him and left him bleeding on the pavement for about 20 minutes.

Chicago Police Corrupt, "Beset by Racism"

Police Accountability Task Force Police Accountability Task Force
If you are not severely and wholeheartedly dealing with racism, you are not going to get to the bottom of this issue . . . CPD's own data gives validity to the widely held belief the police have no regard for the sanctity of life when it comes to people of color . . . at every step of the way, the police oversight system is riddled with legal and practical barriers to accountability.

A Year Later, the Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision Still Stings

Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone
Cops become instant media villains for decisions made in frenzied minutes or seconds. But the politicians and judges behind them spend months and years of calculation building walls to hide the same acts. Most of the time, they get away with it. Even in the most high-profile cases, justice is a marathon.

Tidbits - November 12, 2015 - Asian Voters; Bernie Sanders (and Labor); Portside Satire; Cops and Students; $15 Wage; Football; BDS; Announcements and more...

Reader Comments: 2016 Elections - Asian American Voters, Bernie Sanders (and Labor); Portside Satire; Fight for $15; BDS, France, Israel, Palestine; Syria; Our Bodies Ourselves Needs Your Help; George Houser tribute; Skateboarders of Havana; These 24 Chains are Refusing to Open on Thanksgiving Day; How Class Works-2016 - conference proposals due
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