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Modeling the New USPS Delivery Network

Steve Hutkins Save the Post Office
It should be clear that the changes to the delivery network now underway are not simply a “broad strategic plan” or “pilot program.” Implementation has already begun with the acquisition of huge spaces in three cities, notification of the employee unions and associations, and a list of the first 200 post offices that will be converted over the coming weeks and months. The scope of the plan is far reaching and nationwide. You don’t need to wait for it to be “scaled up” to see what’s happening.

USPS Begins Postal Banking Pilot Program

David Dayen The American Prospect
The United States Postal Service (USPS) has taken the most dramatic step in a half-century to re-establish a postal banking system. The test allows customers to cash business or payroll checks at the post office and place them onto a gift card.

Tidbits - Sept. 30, 2021 - Reader Comments: Save the Postal Service; Film and Television Workers; Renewable Energy; Berlin Votes to Expropriate Apartments from Corporate Landlords; Haitian & Black Immigrants; Racial Justice and Police Misconduct;

Reader Comments: Save the Postal Service; Film and Television Workers; Renewable Energy; Berlin Votes to Expropriate Apartments from Corporate Landlords; Haitian & Black Immigrants Toolkit; Racial Justice and Police Misconduct resource; more....

The DeJoy Scandal and Democracy in the Balance

Joseph A. McCartin Working-Class Perspectives
This is just the latest in a history of bosses repaying loyalty to their political causes with bonuses and favoring those employees who stood with them.
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