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What Solidarity Journalism Reveals to Us

Anita Varma Indypendent
Solidarity reporting calls on journalists to push beyond reporting the easy soundbite from an official press release in order to do the work of representing people experiencing injustice.

America's First Peaceful (Just Barely!) Transfer of Power

Akhil Reed Amar History News Network
America’s first peaceful transfer of power was far more fraught than is generally understood today and casts cast an eerie light on the not entirely peaceful transfer of presidential power in 2020-21.

The War on Assange Is a War on Press Freedom

Chris Hedges TruthDig
head shot of Assange The extradition of the publisher—the maniacal goal of the U.S. government—would set a legal precedent that would criminalize any journalistic oversight or investigation of the corporate state. It would turn leaks and whistleblowing into treason.

More Secure Jobs, Bigger Paychecks

Steven Greenhouse Columbia Journalism Review
What’s driving the new wave of unionization sweeping digital newsrooms? The reasons for unionizing haven’t changed much in the last 80 years

Both Trump and Clinton Curb Press Access - Plane Rides and Presidential Transparency

Jim Rutenberg, Media Mediator New York Times
Breaking with historic tradition, both Clinton and Trump do no allow reporters to travel with them. This is about something much bigger than eyewitness accounts and plane rides. It's about how much we want to know about each candidate's plans for the White House, and how open and accessible we want them to be as president. And ultimately, it's about whether we truly believe in the premise that transparency is vital for democracy.
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