"I'm not a progressive. I'm just a regular Democrat." Fetterman is in the first year of a six-year term. He has time to repair relations with progressives or sever ties altogether. At this point, the latter is rapidly happening anyway.
Elites who tar their critics in the U.S. with the sly pejorative of “populist” count on our collective amnesia. They’d rather the real Populists remained forgotten, along with the potential they represented.
Watching the GOP’s circular firing squad during the speaker votes was entertaining, but what do progressive Democrats have to show for rallying round their party’s leadership?
If the Democrats hope to avoid disaster in this November’s elections, they need to do a far better job making their case to working-class voters. The nation added 8.9m jobs during Biden’s first 18 months in office
A sketch in his notebook might become the basis for a comic, Schumann said. "Instead of leaving it hidden on those pages," he said, "start drawing away and make it public.
The 2012 coup against Fernando Lugo cut short the only period of left-wing rule in Paraguay’s modern history. But in elections next year, the country’s progressives have their best shot in years at unseating the corrupt, reactionary Colorado Party.
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