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Longshoremen Strike Deadline Looms Large Over Economy and Election

Taylor Giorno The Hill
Tens of thousands of longshoremen at 14 ports along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico are poised to strike early Tuesday morning if their union and employers cannot reach an agreement by midnight, which could disrupt the economy and the election.


Union and Queer

Jim Grossfeld The American Prospect
The growing solidarity between unions and the LGBTQ+ community is key component of the revitalization of the labor movement.


"A Kick In The Ass" For Labor: A Union Leader Considers The Age Of Trump

Hamilton Nolan The Concourse
"If the American labor movement thinks that we can just go out there and start and control the organizing that takes place, we’re not going to be successful," says Stuart Appelbaum, president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. "I think what we can do is create an environment in which organizing takes place... We have to think of ourselves less as an institution, and more as a movement."


Bangladesh Garment Workers: Two Updates

AFP, Omar Rivero
Bangladeshi police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at thousands of garment workers Monday as they demanded a wage hike at a protest in a manufacturing hub outside the capital Dhaka. Several European retailers have agreed to compensate victims' families, and sign onto the Fire and Building Safety Agreement, but U.S. retailers refuse. See the list of 14 North American retailers who refuse to sign on.
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