RFK Jr. Official Admits Goal Is to Elect Trump, who previously canvassed for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Political observers have noted in recent months that Kennedy has drawn support from right-wing billionaires.
At a time when disinformation and narrow-mindedness are at an all-time high, the last thing we need is a purported “reform” candidate who contributes to the mess. The danger of Donald Trump or the GOP's hold on Congress is just too great.
Nelson Lichtenstein, Harold Meyerson
The American Prospect
Paul Schrade, 1924 - 2022, devoted his life to building an America and a California that enjoyed broadly shared prosperity and racial egalitarianism. It’s that for which he should be remembered.
It could be a Shakespeare play, a tragedy that engulfs a complex, larger-than-life figure. And one who is brought down by his own hubris. The story moves between the civil rights movement and the American war against Vietnam. Closes Nov. 30.
President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas fifty years ago. And, fifty years later, a complicit media still covers up for the security state. We need to reclaim our history, writes David Talbot, the founder of Salon.com.
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