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Reject the Left-Right Alliance Against Ukraine

Michael Kazin Dissent Magazine
If U.S. leftists take seriously their commitment to self-rule and loathing of foreign aggression, they should shed their ambivalence about supporting Ukraine.

The Arctic Is the Next Frontier in the New Cold War

Renate Bridenthal Geopolitical Economy
Geostrategically located, with profitable natural resources, the Arctic is rapidly becoming a militarized zone of power politics in the new cold war, contested by the US and Europe, Russia and China.

The Eighth of March in Russia: USSR, War and Women’s Rights

Sasha Talaver LeftEast
It is important for us to rethink the usual categories, including «defense of the Motherland,» clearing them of militarism. It is worth defending the Motherland first of all from poverty, violence, war, corrupt politicians and unscrupulous capital.

Whose “Red Lines”?

Lawrence Wittner History News Network
Setting red lines for the world is too important to be left to individual, self-interested countries. 

Sergei Prokofiev Was One of the Soviet Union’s Great Composers

Simon Behrman Jacobin
Sergei Prokofiev died 70 years ago today, overshadowed by the death of Joseph Stalin, who had banned much of his work. But Prokofiev’s brilliant musical compositions have outlived him and still sound fresh and exciting to modern listeners.

The Nuclear “War” in Ukraine May Not Be the One We Expect

Joshua Frank TomDispatch
From time to time, Vladimir Putin or one of his cronies has hinted that the Russians, pressed to the wall, might use a “tactical” nuclear weapon in Ukraine. And Russian military leaders have reportedly been discussing just such a possibility.

Putin’s Mein Kampf: An Invasion Foretold

Greg Palast Buzzflash
How can too many of my fellow progressives, who marched against Bush’s “preemptive” war in Iraq, now find preemptive war by Putin justified by “NATO provocation”?
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