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When Palestinian Political Speech Is “Incitement”

Sophia Goodfriend Jewish Currents
The broad criminalization of Palestinian social media users occurs as Jewish Israeli extremists have been left free to incite violence on platforms in full view of authorities.

Not a Nation of Immigrants

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Monthly Review
The thrust of American struggles has been to deracialize but not to decolonize. A deracialized America still remains a settler society and a settler state.

How Israel Weaponizes International Law

Maryam Jamshidi Boston Review
The country has manipulated rules of engagement to serve its colonialist project in Palestine. Legal scholars must face this fact head on.

Against Left-Wing White Nationalism

Gerald Horne Organizing Upgrade
When reality does not correspond to the facts on the ground, the U.S. left often responds like the fictional French intellectual who maunders: “I know what you are saying is true in fact, the question is—‘is it true in theory?’”

The Palestinian Body Is Whole Once Again

Mahmoud Muna Mondoweiss
Palestinians disconnected from each other have struggled immensely to maintain a national project with clear objectives. Now, struggling together across the entire geography of historic Palestine, the Palestinian body is coming back together.

Palestine Rises Up: “Our Hope Is Stronger than Despair”

Lara Kiswani Organizing Upgrade
Palestinians demonstrating At the end of the day Israel is a tool (and Palestine is terrain) of U.S. imperialism. We fight for the dignity and liberation of our people from here to our homelands. We need to be working to build power, not just support.
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