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Tidbits - December 28, 2017 - Reader Comments: Poverty in the U.S.; Refugees; Coates and West; Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers; AI Jobs; Russia and Korea; Catalonia and Spain; Chicago and HUAC; and more...

Reader Comments: Poverty - Running thru the U.S.; Refugees; Ta-Nehisi Coates and Cornel West; Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers; AI Jobs Revolution and nature of work and workers; Russia and Korea; Catalonia and Spain; Portside's New Look; Subversive Involvement: Chicago and HUAC - Tribute to Dr. Quentin Young - Chicago - January 12


Weinsteins in the Workplace: Will Unions Be Part of the Solution Or the Problem?

Steve Early Stansbury Forum
It takes continuous organizational effort—in the form of training and recruitment, new leadership development, and structural change–to insure that the bullying, harassing, divide-and-conquer behavior of bosses, big and small, doesn’t infect and weaken the “house of labor” too.
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