A paean to Marx's contemporary relevance, the author argues in an excerpt from his new book that what makes Marx a stranger even to Marxist movements is not simply the difficulty of certain key works and passages, but a series of other obstacles.
After a high-profile national tour, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defends her perceived missteps — and calls cynicism “the greatest enemy of the progressive left.”
Reader Comments: Rage and Resistance to Kavanaugh, Rape, War on Women; Immigrant Children Still Kept, Moved in Dark; Reconstruction; Workers Struggles in Iran; Announcements: Laundry Workers; Broadway Stands Up; Socialism vs. Capitalism; and more...
Nelson Lichtenstein
Democratic Socialists of America
When this post by the esteemed Nelson Lichtenstein came our way, we were both surprised and honored. It also felt like a proper entry into our “Bad Socialists” series. (You decide who’s the bad socialist here.)
Reader Comments, Julia Salazar victory; Hurricane Maria one year later; International Movement against New Right-Wing Axis; Second Amendment; Public Libraries in Civil Society; Resources; Announcements-Chicago, Boston; Bay Area, New York; and more..
Reader Comments, Kavanaugh Lied, Anonymous Op-Ed; How Would a Socialist America Look?; Chile 1973 Coup; Maria Hit Puerto Rico One Year Ago, Trump Says Response was Fabulous; Announcements - New York, Chicago, Medical Trip to Cuba; and more....
The author of this book, writes reviewer Quish, "makes a powerful case for a 'socialist constitutionalism' that deserves a place in contemporary debates on the Left."
We asked thinkers on the left—and a couple of outliers—to describe their vision for a re-imagined American economy. Just a decade ago, “socialism” was a dirty word in American politics. Not anymore.
An interview with Angel Prado (Part I).A grassroots Chavista leader reflects on the future of the communal project and the contradictions in the Bolivarian Process, in this interview with VA’s Ricardo Vaz.
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