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Class War on New Ground

Barry Eidlin Against the Current
Class struggle still dominates civil society under capitalism. The new terrain explored here, as well as its undoing by working people, lies in capital’s increased capacity to squeeze more work out of every minute of every work day.


Why the Working Class Matters

Steve Early LA Progressive
With the rise of popular interest in socialism, this book goes beyond promoting efforts boosting needed protective legislation and improved social welfare for working people to look globally at struggles against capital and strategies for winning.

The Public Ownership Solution

Thomas M. Hanna Jacobin
The US has a surprisingly large amount of public ownership. But in order for it to truly serve the social good, it must be expanded — and democratized.

No Scrubs

An interview with Kristen R. Ghodsee by Meagan Day Jacobin
State socialism was proof: when women have economic independence from men, they don’t stick around in bad relationships.

Cuba’s First Military Doctors

Don Fitz Monthly Review
Cuban engagement in Africa left profound impacts, both on the host countries and on the Cubans who went.



Bill Bowring Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
A new introduction to Karl Marx and his legacy.


Why Reds Were Better in Bed

Ann Schneider The Indypendent
A counterintuitive if rigorous argument that the sex lives of men and women under the Soviets were better than those in the capitalist West, based on the system's ability to deliver the sort of social benefits unavailable even in Scandinavia.

In and Against the State

Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin Socialist Project
Here, ‘reform versus revolution’ is not a useful way to frame the dilemmas that socialists must actually confront. Political hopes are inseparable from notions of what is possible.
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