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California Fires - Time for Disaster Socialism

Nato Green San Francisco Examiner
The West Coast's historically unprecedented drought was followed by historically unprecedented fires. The South and the Caribbean are being ravaged by historically unprecedented hurricanes. It's either God's wrath for squandering a perfectly good planet, or our own squandering a perfectly good planet - and it's becoming uninhabitable. We need a People's Fire Recovery Plan, a "disaster socialism" to answer disaster capitalism.

Tidbits - October 19, 2017 - Reader Comments: Stop Trump War on North Korea; Puerto Rico; The Harvey Weinstein Story; The Anti-War Movement; Socialism; Salsa Meets Jazz For Puerto Rico; ...and more

Reader Comments: National Mobilization to Stop Trump War on North Korea; Saving Puerto Rico - U.S. Responsibility for Colonialism; The Harvey Weinstein Story; The Anti-War Movement and Ken Burns' PBS Series; Socialism - Readers Exchange Ideas; Reality Winner; Salsa Meets Jazz For Puerto Rico; ...and more

The Idea of Socialism

Tomas Stølen Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
An English translation of this significant book by an important contemporary German philosopher reached U.S. bookstores earlier this year. Here, Tomas Stølen reviews the German edition, which was published two years ago.

Carlos Rosa’s Political Capital

INTERVIEW BY Micah Uetricht Jacobin
Recently, Chicago city council member Carlos Rosa's socialist politics cost him in the halls of power. He speaks to Jacobin about why he refuses to "throw a movement under the bus."

Writing While Socialist

Vijay Prashad, Mark Nowak Boston Review
Over the past year, the scholar and activist Vijay Prashad taught a series of nonfiction writing workshops to students, activists, workers, and journalists across India. The workshops sought to develop an ethics and practice of socialist writing to foreground what Prashad calls “the small voices of history.”

Movie | The Young Karl Marx

Haitian Raoul Peck ('I Am Not Your Negro') directs an indie biopic that narrates the early stormy development of communism through the prism of the Marx-Engels partnership. In select theaters.

Karl Marx Makes a Comeback

Kathy M. Newman Working-Class Perspectives
Suddenly, Marx is cool again, mainly because he was, and remains today, one of capitalism’s most astute critics. Happy Birthday Karl, and thanks.

Behind Fascist Balbo Monument, a History of Multiracial Resistance

Curtis Black Chicago Reporter
A Chicago Tribune feature story last week mentioned in passing “mainstream supporters” of Italian fascism in 1930s Chicago; indeed, Chicago Mayor Edward Kelly appears to have been an enthusiastic fan of Mussolini. But we should also remember the courageous anti-fascist organizing in Chicago at the time by Italian Americans and African Americans, who drew explicit connections between the fascist ideology being celebrated and the racist and repressive system existing here

What Should Socialists Do?

Joseph M. Schwartz and Bhaskar Sunkara Jacobin
Democratic socialism needs to become a mass presence in US society. Fighting for "Non-Reformist Reforms"; Building a Majority. Until then, The Power of a Minority.
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