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The case for radical modernity

Jeremy Gilbert Red Pepper
Socialism has only been able to develop a successful political programme when it has understood itself as a modernising project, working with the grain of technological and organisational progress

Bernie Sanders' Socialist America

Ethan Earle Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - New York Office
The Bernie Sanders campaign has reached millions of people for whom it was easier to engage politics through the prism of a presidential campaign. The underlying issue of our time, is how to remake the U.S. political and economic system into something that works for everybody in our country and does more to help than to harm the rest of the world. Bernie is doing everything he can to keep us focused on this big issue, always clear that it cannot be solved by him alone.

I Hate New Year’s Day

Antonio Gramsci Jacobin / Viewpoint Magazine
You end up seriously thinking that between one year and the next there is a break, that a new history is beginning; you make resolutions, and you regret your irresolution, and so on, and so forth. This is generally what’s wrong with dates.


The Military: An Alternative to the Brutalities of the Modern Economy

The millions of service members who live on military bases around the world experience a kind of economic and social security that is foreign to most of America’s middle class. In the military, clothing, food, shelter, and medical care are guaranteed. And although it offers less choice about what to wear or where to live than the private sector, there’s a baseline of care for service members that doesn’t exist in the civilian world.

Consolidating Power

David Harvey Roar Magazine
David Harvey, one of the leading Marxist thinkers of our times, sits down with the activist collective AK Malabocas to discuss the transformations in the mode of capital accumulation, the centrality of the urban terrain in contemporary class struggles, and the implications of all this for anti-capitalist organizing.

Bringing Socialism Back: How Bernie Sanders is Reviving an American Tradition

Joseph M. Schwartz In These Times
The Sanders campaign is resurrecting socialist electoral politics and paving the way for a more radical public discourse. Only the revival of a decimated labor movement and the rebirth of socialist political parties that can bring them all together could result in the major redistribution of wealth and power that would allow real movement on these individual issues.

Portside Helps Sustain You, Helps You Make the World Better, Because, Well, Capitalism Isn't Working

Portside's moderators every day contribute our best at finding and sharing the most interesting and useful material we can for the modest task of remaking the world into a fairer and more peaceful place. We expect no pay -- seeing the material on Portside read and forwarded and acted on is reward enough. Once a year, we appeal to readers to contribute some cash to sustain the Portside infrastructure that makes our work possible. Here's why...


Marxism and Ecology: Common Fonts of a Great Transition (long)

John Bellamy Foster Great Transition Initiative
Socialist thought is re-emerging at the forefront of the movement for global ecological and social change. In the face of the planetary emergency, theorists have unearthed a powerful ecological critique of capitalism at the foundations of Marx's materialist conception of history. This has led to a more comprehensive conception of socialism rooted in Marx's analysis of the rift in "the universal metabolism of nature" and his vision of sustainable human development.

Tidbits - December 10, 2015 - Trump is a Fascist; Chicago Police Crimes; Venezuela Elections; Portside Fund Appeal; Bernie Sanders' Socialism and the Left Critics; Remembering Danny Rubin; and more...

Reader Comments: Trump is a Fascist; Poem written by Pastor Martin Neimoller; They Are Coming Again; Chicago Police Crimes and Mayor Rahm; Venezuela Elections; Portside Fund Appeal; Non-Profits and the 99%; Bernie Sanders' Socialism and the Left Critics; Edward Snowden Meets John Cusack and Arundhati Roy; World's Richest 10 Percent Responsible for Half of CO2; Remembering Danny Rubin
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