Michael Goldfield and Cody R. Melcher
Organizing Upgrade
This article by Michael Goldfield and Cody R. Melcher introduces a new “Moments of Rupture” series from Organizing Upgrade, meant to draw lessons from prior key historic moments for organizers today.
As IATSE members decide how to vote on a proposed contract a horrific accident highlights the issues at stake. But whatever the outcome, members appear to be emerging from the pandemic and from this contract battle with a greater sense of power.
In a display of worker militancy not seen in Hollywood for decades, members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) are about to vote on whether 60,000 of them will go on strike in October.
Many unions sent buses full of supporters from all across the South. There were CWA and UAW members. There were teamsters, teachers, government workers and longshoremen all in union t-shirts. This is what solidarity looks like.
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