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Amazon Strike by the Numbers

Luis Feliz Leon Labor Notes
Amazon workers participated in pickets or short strikes in December. The strikes were in limited locations but a real test of capacity for a growing movement.


Teamsters Union Chief Meets Trump

Alice Herman The Guardian
Leftwing members of 1.3m-strong labor union unhappy with Sean O’Brien for private meeting with Republican frontrunner


UPS Teamsters Are Ready To Strike

With UPS making astronomical profits and public support for unions holding strong, a Teamsters strike at UPS this August could be a watershed moment for the American working class. Two UPS drivers explain what’s at stake in the potential strike.


Teamsters Begin Major Amazon Fight

Luis Feliz Leon American Prospect
A group of unionized delivery drivers in Palmdale, California, could open new possibilities for a legal challenge to Amazon’s subcontracting model.

Tidbits - Dec. 2, 2021 - Reader Comments-Lots: Ahmaud Arbery Murder, Charlottesville, Rittenhouse; Democrats in Congress; Health Care Workers Quitting; JFK Murder; Chile, Venezuela, India, Cuba; Russia; Dr. Marty Nathan - RIP; Your Action Needed; more...

Reader Comments-Lots: Ahmaud Arbery Murder, Charlottesville, Rittenhouse; Democrats in Congress; Health Care Workers Quitting; JFK Murder; Chile, Venezuela, India, Cuba; Russia; Dr. Marty Nathan - RIP; Your Action Needed; Resources, Announcements...


Teamsters United Takes the Wheel

Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes
It’s the first time in almost a quarter-century that a coalition backed by Teamsters for a Democratic Union has taken the driver’s seat in the international union.
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