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Radical Municipalism and Tech

Fully Automated Luxury Communism Newsletter Fully Automated Luxury Communism Newsletter
What we thus need is a strong discussion in how local governments, particularly in cities, can influence technology in a progressive direction.

Why Tesla Is Building City-Sized Batteries

Giant batteries are crucial to the future of power grids everywhere, but they are only one of the zanier forms of energy storage already in use around the country.


How Blockchain Is Poised to Disrupt the Gig Economy

Chris Young Entrprenuer
Workers and unions trying to organize gig workers should stay abreast of technological changes. This author claims rapid adoption of blockchain in the next several years will have major implications for alternative work arrangements.


Algorithms of Oppression

Robert Fantina New York Journal of Books
Search engines aren't the innocent, objective tools they pretend to be. Instead, as author Safiya Umoja Noble argues: “They include decision-making protocols that favor corporate elites and the powerful, and they are implicated in global economic and social inequality.”

Using Technology as a Movement-Building Tool

Rebekah Barber Facing South
"Technology can be used to self-determine as long as we can control it. If it continues to belong to the privileged and powerful, we will always be struggling with it."

Stephen Hawking Speaks

Stephen Hawking Reddit
portrait photo of Stephen Hawking Two years ago, Reddit held an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942-March 14, 2018). In this session the renowned physicist talked about the promise and risk of AI, technological unemployment, and more.
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