It was the night before Thanksgiving. Walmart's top brass had assembled in the executive boardroom for a last celebration before heading home to their families. ...Meanwhile, "Black Friday" would begin on Thursday evening, leaving many of its workers unable to spend the holiday with family or friends.
Gale Courey Toensing
Indian Country Today Media Network
It was Abraham Lincoln who used the theme of Pilgrims and Indians eating happily together. He was trying to calm things down during the Civil War when people were divided. It was like a nice unity story. So what really happened? We made a treaty. They couldn't make a treaty for a boatload of people so they made a treaty between two nations - England and the Wampanoag Nation.
Native American Books that Tell the Real Thanksgiving Story; Wampanoags to March First at Plymouth; Dallas Kennedy-Haters Documented in Pictures; Black Theatre Groups in Trouble; We Are Living in the Anthropocene Era, can't You Tell?
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