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Friday Nite Videos | December 6, 2024

Five Things Christian Nationalists Want from Trump. What Your Brain Is Really Doing When You're Doing 'Nothing.' The $1 Trillion Private Health Insurance Scam. Michael Kosta Meets the No. 1 Book Banner in Florida. Trump Goes to War With Allies.

Trump Goes to War With Allies and Partners

Canada. Mexico. Great Britain. Before assuming office, Trump is launching attacks on the closest partners of the United States, and is meeting with embarrassing rebuffs.

The Price of Biden’s New China Tariffs

Patrick Lawrence Scheer Post
Don’t look now, but Joe Biden has just adopted the Trump China policy he has previously and relentlessly repudiated—and gone one further.

Roots of the U.S.-China Trade Conflict

David Kotz Democratic Left
Every day, the news brings more stories of U.S.-China tensions. What led to the U.S.-China trade conflict? And what would a U.S. pro-worker policy toward China look like?

Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China

Ellen Brown Truthdig
They should let a lot of their companies go bankrupt so that Americans can buy them. They should have the same kind of free market that has wrecked the US economy.

Trump's Trade War With China Is Waged to Make the Rich Richer

Dean Baker Truthout
Donald Trump seems determined to double down and keep pressing forward on his trade war with China. He promises more and higher tariffs, not realizing that U.S. consumers are the ones paying these taxes - not China's government or corporations.
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