This book, the first 21st Century study of the frontier myth, writes reviewer Nathans-Kelly, comes at a time when "the United States has turned inward and backward with the same vehemence it once directed toward expansion and progress."
For almost a century, few in the United States celebrated Cinco de Mayo. In the mid-20th century, sparked by the growing Chicano movement the David versus Goliath story fittingly mirrored the struggle for civil rights.
Canada and the United States are similar enough culturally, but in class relations for some 70 years the two stand markedly apart. The book under review helps to explain the multifaceted reasons why.
The highly regarded scholar's latest work tackles the deep roots of white nationalism as it emerged from conflicts surrounding Reconstruction and the failure of post-Civil War governments to stamp down racism and secure genuine emancipation.
Agriculture policy in the original New Deal sprang from a...mix of class struggle and uneasy alliances. The Green New Deal will have...a different coalition...(to) challenge the dominant mode of agriculture and create a more just food system.
New play, about Reconstruction. This was really a turning point in US history when America almost did the right thing. The South was writing new state constitutions and African Americans were getting elected to local and national offices.
Two books look to the histories of the Communist International and the Tricontinental movement to evaluate how organizing around color and region can effect global struggles against oppression and grow in tandem with multiracial workers’ movements.
Mark Lopez, Richard Rothstein, YouTooCanWoo
Segregated by Design
Examine the forgotten history of how our federal, state and local governments unconstitutionally segregated every major metropolitan area in America through law and policy.
Reader Comments: 2020 Candidates on War and Peace; Joe Biden; Chicago elections; Algeria in Revolt; Socialism in America (Milwaukee); Flint; Long Beach; Resources - Reconstruction, Racism, Immigration; Delegation to Venezuela; more Announcements;...
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