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We Finally Know Why Some People Got COVID While Others Didn’t

Marko Nikolic and Kaylee Worlock The Conversation
In our "challenge study," one gene produced much more of a specific protein in volunteers who did not develop a sustained COVID infection. This finding has significant implications for future treatments and for vaccine development.

Friday Nite Videos | May 31, 2024

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Florida Is Swamped by Disease

Richard Luscombe Guardian
In Florida, quackery is replacing science. The state is in the grip of a measles outbreak, yet Joseph Ladapo, the surgeon general, continues to ignore medical science to stop it.

Friday Nite Videos | February 10, 2023

Maxwell Frost Tags House Republicans As ‘Biggest Threat.’ Why Miners pRisk Their Lives To Get Sulfur From an Active Volcano. Five Questions With John Bracey. Greene and Boebert Unravel at Twitter Hearing. Why Is It so Hard To Cure the Common Cold?
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