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Ten Questions & Answers on Measles Protection

Katelyn Jetelina Your Local Epdemiologist
The main thing to know: MMR vaccines are highly effective and provide long-lasting protection. Outbreaks occur mainly among unvaccinated individuals. But here's more about boosters, young children, infection-induced immunity and transmission.

Why the Texas Measles Outbreak Was ‘Inevitable’

Joseph Choi The Hill
Critics of Kennedy accused him of fostering anti-vaccine sentiment in Samoa, months before an outbreak ultimately resulted in 83 measles-related deaths and more than 5,600 infections.

'All Natural' Is Not a Viable Health Strategy

Kristen Panthagani Your Local Epdemiologist
Sometimes “all natural” is far better, but other times nature tries to kill us. We need health policy guided by data that recognizes the harms of both sugary drinks and infectious threats. Americans shouldn’t have to choose.

Elvis, the Polio Vaccine, and Us

Charles Idelson Medium
In October 1956 the ascending rock idol lent his considerable stardom to helping save lives by getting vaccinated against polio on the Ed Sullivan show. Today an anti-vax fanatic with a celebrity name is in line to be in charge of public health.

mRNA Technology: Four Decades in the Making

Jess Steier Unbiased Science
mRNA technology took 40 years to perfect. Here's the story, briefly. So if you’re sitting around the holiday table and someone tells you the mRNA technology is “too new” to trust, you now have the “receipts” to explain why that’s not accurate.

Make America Diseased Again?

Sarah Zhang The Atlantic
RFK, Jr.'s nomination normalizes and emboldens the anti-vaccine movement. The danger now is that diseases confined to the past become diseases of the future.

Now What for Public Health?

Katelyn Jetelina Your Local Epdemiologist
We need to be ready for a new world. RFK Jr. will have more influence, with his cast of characters who have a history of opposing evidence-based public health practice.
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