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How To Be a Nonviolent Second-Wave Feminist

Eleanor J. Bader The Indypendent
In 47 essays written from the early 1970s to the late 1990s, prominent Second Wave feminists question how nonviolence might be applied to effectively transform violent systems of aggression, from rape to war.

India Is on the Brink

Debasish Roy Chowdhury New York Times
India is a diverse nation, crisscrossed by religious, ethnic, caste, regional and political fault lines. Prime Minister Modi's government has torn those asunder seeking to remake India’s secular republic into a majoritarian Hindu state.

Sarah Polley’s Act of Imagination

Brianna Di Monda Dissent
Women Talking is about the struggle to unearth language capable of describing profound desires for freedom and safety.

The Colonial Origins of the UChicago Police

Julian Go Rampart
Modern policing has its origin in colonial violence. The University of Chicago has long played a part in cultivating, promoting, spreading, and normalizing the tools of such state violence.
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