Idaho, Kansas and Missouri in seeking to establish standing to outlaw mifepristone argue cause "a loss in potential population or potential population increase,” and that “decreased births” were inflicting “a sovereign injury to the state itself.
In the year since Roe v. Wade was overturned, the Republican Party has tested out constantly changing talking points and messages on abortion in an attempt to make its anti-abortion policies sound less extreme.
When these pregnant folks are forced to continue pregnancies they wanted to terminate, they’re not then continuing these pregnancies in environments where they have access to consistent and quality prenatal care or where they can birth with dignity.
“[These companies are] here in our communities, extracting from the land, extracting from our women and just leaving us to deal with the aftermath, and they’re screaming about us.”
Last year, number of states that were categorized as hostile to abortion rights by the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health policy think tank — including all of the states across the South: 29
Republicans’ answer to the prospect of socialized medicine is, for a growing number of Americans, no healthcare at all. And the attacks on women’s reproductive care continue.
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