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The Unlikely Life of a Socialist Activist Resonates a Century Later

Jennifer Szalai The New York Times
Adam Hochschild here produces a rich biography of the World War One-era socialist insurgent, Russian Jewish immigrant Rose Pastor Stokes, an impoverished cigar worker who counterintuitively married well and never forsook her working class roots.

Tidbits - Mar. 12, 2020 - Reader Comments: Coronavirus Pandemic and GOP Attack on Social Security, Medicare, CDC; Three-Fourths of Democratic Delegates Still to be Voted On; Sanders, Biden, Warren; Coronavirus Factsheet in 20 Languages; more....

Reader Comments: Coronavirus Pandemic and GOP Attack on Social Security, Medicare, CDC; Three-Fourths of Democratic Delegates Still to be Voted On; Sanders, Biden, Warren; Coronavirus Factsheet in 20 Languages; more resources, announcements;


Women and the Cuban Insurrection

Jennifer Triplett H-LatAm (Humanities and Social Sciences Online)
This study "is a thoroughly engaging and much-needed contribution to a gendered understanding of the Cuban Revolution in particular and of armed conflict in general," says reviewer Triplett.

Why Did Women Win the Right to Vote in Colorado in the 19th Century?

Jennifer Frost History News Network
One hundred twenty-five years ago, prioritizing local contexts and coalition-building, paying attention to political, economic, and social developments, and connecting to national allies brought Colorado’s campaign for equal suffrage to a successful


Broad Band

Dylan Schleicher 800-CEO-READ
A "computer" used to be a job description, not just a machine. At the time, most computers were women. Dylan Schleicher reviews a fascinating history of how "computers" helped make the computer networks that are so interwoven into contemporary life.

The Enigmatic Anarchist

Jacqueline Jones, Arvind Dilawar Jacobin
Lucy Parsons's life was rife with contradictions. But her commitment to workers' emancipation was never in doubt.


New Women, Free Lovers, and Radicals in Britain and the United States

Claire Griifiths The Times (London) Higher Education
Rebel Crossings charts six 19th century socialists as they journey from the constraints of Old-World Britain to a New-World America. They were part of a wider historical search for self-fulfillment and an alternative to a cruelly competitive capitalism. The book surveys the interaction of feminism, socialism and anarchism, bringing fresh slants on political and cultural movements and upon influential individuals including Walt Whitman, Eleanor Marx, and William Morris.
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