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Remembering the Holocaust While Gaza Starves

Ariel Dorfman New Lines Magazine
A ceremony at an old food market in Amsterdam prompts reflections on tragedy, indifference and survival. How could so many Israelis feel indifferent to such grief and afflictions — that recalled how so many Germans had turned a blind eye to the Nazis

The Shoah After Gaza

Pankaj Mishra London Review of Books
The dark meaning the Israeli state has drawn from the Shoah, and then institutionalized in a machinery of repression. Anyone calling attention to the spectacle of Washington’s blind commitment to Israel is accused of antisemitism, ignoring the Shoah.


Dior and Chanel Square Off in the Messy the New Look

Eileen Jones Jacobin
Largely set in occupied France during World War II, the new Apple TV+ series The New Look zeroes in on Christian Dior’s rivalry with Coco Chanel — but it falls flat when it tries to handle Chanel’s infamous Nazi sympathies.


Comic Books as Propaganda

Hank Kennedy New Politics
The author is strongest when he deals with the government’s direct attempts to influence public opinion through comics either through the Writers’ War Board (WWB) of World War II or the creation of propaganda comics during the early Cold War.

The Battle in Ukraine Means Everything

By Timothy Snyder The New Republic
Throughout the centuries, the history of Ukraine has revealed the turning points in the history of Europe. This seems still to be true today. Of course, which way things will turn still depends, at least for a little while, on the Europeans.

Dispatches from the Culture Wars - June 25, 2013

Shocking Collaboration Between Hollywood and Hitler; High-Paying Lure of the Sea; Selling Guns to Fund the Anti-Abortion Fight; Vacation Camp with Israeli Commandos; Power of Political Comics; Kickstarter Kicks Out Abuse Manual
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