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The Election is Rigged After All

Eliza Newlin Carney / Hendrik Hertzberg / Jennifer L. Clark American Prospect / Nation / Brennan Center
Voting rights advocates have won a string of court battles, but state election officials have found ways to restrict early voting anyway—often at the behest of GOP leaders. ----- Rethinking about our two party system and our election system: Ranked-choice voting opens up elections to a broader, more diverse range of candidates and ideas. ----- Modernizing our voter registration system.

Sympathy for the Devil?

Seth Ackerman Jacobin
The numbers will be clear: downscale whites are a big pool of untapped votes. Yet if a cordon sanitaire is placed around that demographic territory and hung with the notorious label, “Trump Vote,” the Democrats will be even more likely to let the party system drift down its current path: into the culture-war politics of the reactionary Tammany-versus-Klan 1920s, rather than the class-based politics that followed.

Why Trump's Male Chauvinism Appeals to Some Voters More Than Others

Lynn Prince Cooke The Conversation
Assuming that not even Donald Trump can destroy American democracy, the real challenge begins for whoever is sworn in as president on January 20 2017. Americans need more economic security for their enlightened sides to shine through again. This means more good jobs at living wages for men as well as women. Only then can the country begin to close the social chasms revealed and fueled by Trump’s campaign.

When the Election Is Over, It Will Not Be Done

Bill Berkowitz Smirking Chimp
What to expect if Trump loses? More attempts at gridlock, and more anger, and an ever-widening opening for the extremist right to dig their heels further into the GOP.

Voter Suppression Is a Much Bigger Problem Than Voter Fraud

Ari Berman The Nation
Trump’s rigged election lies distract from the real threat to American democracy. You’re more likely to be struck by lightning than impersonate another voter at the polls. The real danger to American democracy stems from GOP efforts to make it harder to vote.

Friday Nite Videos -- October 21, 2016

John Oliver | Third Parties. Leonard Cohen | You Want It Darker. Where Does Complexity Come From? The Park of Friendship in Tijuana. Monkeys Can Make Stone Tools Too.

Third Parties

Third party candidates want to be serious contenders, so John Oliver considers them seriously as potential presidents.

Paul Ryan, If Republicans Lose the Senate, Bernie Sanders Wins

John Nichols The Nation
 “If we keep control of the Senate in the Republican hands…a nice guy named Mike Enzi from Wyoming is the Senate budget chair and he helps us get these budgets to the president’s desk, gets these tax bills through,” he said.  On the other hand, Ryan warned, “If we lose the Senate, do you know who becomes chair of the Senate Budget Committee? A guy named Bernie Sanders. You ever heard of him?”

Trump's Erasure of Slavery, Jim Crow

Marjorie Cohn
Donald Trump’s remarkable comments about American blacks never being worse off demonstrated a stunning ignorance of or callousness toward the grotesque evils of slavery and Jim Crow, writes Marjorie Cohn.

Trump the Arsonist

John Feffer TomDispatch
Next month's election is important. But the core supporters of Donald Trump are not going to move to Canada -- or Russia -- if their candidate loses. Those who crave the simplistic, authoritarian solutions offered by dangerous populists around the world are not going to retreat into political apathy simply because of the scorn heaped upon them by the mainstream.
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