Tidbits - Apr. 25, 2019 - Reader Comments: Mueller Report; Elizabeth Warren; Daniel Ellsberg; Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Chelsea Manning; Puerto Rico; Drug War; Academic Freedom and CUNY; lots of Announcements;
Re: The Mueller Report: A Detailed Account of Trump's Lies and Misconduct (Dale Jacobson; Howie Leveton; Dale Jacobson; Roy Steward; Emanuel O Rollins Jr.)
Re: Mueller Report: How Congress Can and Will Follow Up on an Incomplete and Redacted Document (John Woodford; Russell Guthrie)
Re: Elizabeth Warren Is The Intellectual Powerhouse of the Democratic Party (Rob Prince; Tom Caves)
Re: American War Is Off the Charts (Jim Price)
GOP Recycles Racism -- cartoon by Mike Stanfill (Raging Pencils)
Re: The 12 Biggest Myths About Raising Taxes on the Rich (Frank Millspaugh; Paul Krehbiel)
Re: Rep. Ilhan Omar Was Right: Threats Against Muslim Americans Are Rising (Peter Gilmore)
Re: The Truth-Teller: From the Pentagon Papers to the Doomsday Machine (Christopher Peragine; Daniel Jordan)
Re: The Toxic Lure of "Guns and Butter" (Bradd Fengya)
Growing Number of Supporters, Subscribers Voice Concern about Future of the Orchestra (The Musicians of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra)
Re: How Jails are Replacing Visits with Video (Kerry Pollard)
Chelsea Manning Denied Release from Jail (Courage to Resist)
Re: New York's Last Socialist Congressperson (Michael Munk; Peter)
Re: Lawyers for the Left: In the Courts, In the Streets, and on the Air (Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime)
Re: Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans, and the 2020 Elections (Jose Rinaldi Jovet; Olga I. Rodriguez)
Re: Decriminalizing the Drug War? Calculating the Damage from a Century of Drug Prohibition (Sam Friedman)
Re: There Is a Scottsboro in Every Country (Leonard Lehrman)
Re: Traitors Episode 1 Review: Satisfying, Grown-up Spy Thriller (Chris Horton)
Support for Justice: African American Archival Documents and Academic Freedom (Joseph Wilson)
Free ebook to celebrate 50 years of publishing – “Keywords in Radical Geography: Antipode at 50”
Workmen's Circle Breakfast with Champions series - State Senator Julia Salazar - New York - May 2
Growing Nuclear Risks in a Changing World - New York - May 4 (Peace Action)
Outraged By Property Sales To Luxury Developers, Affordable Housing Group Takes On The Catholic Church - New York - May 6 (Cooper Square Community Land Trust and NYC Community Board #3)
Annual Clara Lemlich Labor Arts Awards - New York - May 6 (Labor Arts)
A New Deal for New York City: Looking Back, Looking Forward - May 7 (AIA New York - Center for Architecture)
2019 UCLA Labor Center Annual Banquet - Los Angeles - May 9
Metro New York Labor Communications Council - 44th Annual Convention - New York - May 10
Organize the Resistance - Montreal, Quebec, Canada - May 24 - 26 (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office)
Join us in an exploration of Green Cuba - December 1 - 11 (The Center for Global Justice)
Re: The Mueller Report: A Detailed Account of Trump's Lies and Misconduct
More supposition. Two plus years isn't enough of this Clinton-induced hoax? VIPS also expressed skepticism about Russia hacking the DNC-- actually, Binney categorically rejects it-- does that mean VIPS is also part of the "Russian conspiracy"? Citing Morther Jones and David Corn? There's a "credible" source. It's almost as if the Mueller report doesn't exist. Meanwhile, real issues, like regime change in Venezuela, are happening.
Dale Jacobson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I find the fact that the man in office got help from a foreign country is a real issue. Weather he asked for that help or not he took it. I find that disturbing. He had many people in his campaign that hid their connections to Russia. I think there is enough suspicion to warrant an investigation. If we aren't talking care of business it's his fault. Nobody else's.
And Venezuela should take care of their own business without our interference!
Howie Leveton
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I agree with Noam Chomsky. Nothing there, or very little. And his assessment that Russiagate is a great gift to Trump, potentially resulting in his re-election. But by all means, keep promoting it.
Dale Jacobson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Enough is enough stop destroying the integrity and beauty of America defending a traitor, liar and most importantly ignore man . Impeachment is mandatory..
Roy Steward
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
We now know the. Truth about sorry ass trump
Emanuel O Rollins Jr.
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Mueller Report: How Congress Can and Will Follow Up on an Incomplete and Redacted Document
The focusing on the supposed Russian enemy boogeyman and on Wikileaks as a threat to Hillary Clinton sounds progressive and daring in style but is reactionary in substance.
Any actions taken against Trump should focus on the corrupt gangsterism and military adventurism that he shares with the Democrats War Wing of which Hillary Clinton is a leading member.
John Woodford
It deserves impeachment, but would take too much time and the Senate won't convict. Best thing: make sure Trump is a one term president and let him be indicted after he is out of office.
Russell Guthrie
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Elizabeth Warren Is The Intellectual Powerhouse of the Democratic Party
Elizabeth Warren spoke in Aurora, Colorado a few days ago. On short notice more than 5000 people were in attendance. It was a largely white, middle class audience, but having said that, they appeared an angry and committed (to defeating Trump) crowd. She gave a good talk - a bit too much "the story of my life" stuff, but my daughter informed me that was how it's done these days. Hers was essentially an anti-corporate message. She was good on climate change, called for a renovation of the nation's national parks, for the regulation of big finance, paying off student loans. Nothing about the scourge of racism nor a word about countering Trump's immigration policies, nor anything on cutting the military budget.
Still from where we're sitting, other than Bernie Sanders, she seems to have a message that resonates nationally, leaving the other Dem presidential hopefuls far behind. She connected well with the audience.
Rob Prince
LOL, She's campaigning on Bernie's ideas.
Tom Caves
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: American War Is Off the Charts
How many of the declared candidates have said anything about seriously cutting back the Pentagon?
Jim Price
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
GOP Recycles Racism -- cartoon by Mike Stanfill (Raging Pencils)
Mike Stanfill
April 16, 2019
Raging Pencils
Re: The 12 Biggest Myths About Raising Taxes on the Rich
Excellent piece. Reich is right on the money, as usual.
Frank Millspaugh
Reich makes many good points here.
However, there is a glaring error on number 12. The 12th myth is that taxes shouldn't be raised on the rich because "they earned" their money. Reich points out that they need police, courts, laws and other institutions to keep their money.
He fails to mention that WORKERS create wealth, all wealth. Of those rich who do work (many don't), they do create some wealth. But they appropriate (steal) huge amounts of wealth created by workers. THAT is how they got rich. They did not "earn" their wealth.
Raising their taxes is an effort to return much stolen wealth to its rightful owners.
Paul Krehbiel
Re: Rep. Ilhan Omar Was Right: Threats Against Muslim Americans Are Rising
Her main point, regrettably, was too right: the sickness that is Islamophobia is pervasive and becoming stronger.
Peter Gilmore
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: The Truth-Teller: From the Pentagon Papers to the Doomsday Machine
" ... In the face of imminent climate catastrophe, the $700-plus-billion military budget is both untenable and irresponsible. We must convert the military economy to a climate economy. We cannot have both. To do so, we must recognize that the risks posed by the military-industrial complex far exceed those posed by Russia. ... "
Christopher Peragine
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I wish that a bit of history were clarified. Eisenhower had to truncate sociologist C. Wright Mills' original phrase "Military Industrial Congressional Complex" because, presumably, it would have cut too close to the bone, raised too much ire. So he lobbed off "Congressional" and referred only to the "Military Industrial Complex." If you think about it, that actually makes little sense. A military industrial complex, all by itself, is toothless, can do nothing. It only gains power through access to Congress, via money and lobbyists.
Daniel Jordan, PhD
Re: The Toxic Lure of "Guns and Butter"
The Defense spending portion of the U.S. should be reduced by at least 5% a year for the foreseeable future. We spend far more than any other nation. Money could and should be used to reduce the debt. The Defense department has squandered money on boondoggle weapons programs.
Osprey program
New jet fighter program
Both barely airworthy in spite of money being thrown at them.
Eisenhower warned us of exactly what the defense department has become. It is just a pawn in the Military Industrial complex. Decisions are made by politicians for political and monetary gain, not the defense of our nation. More resources should be redirected at improving our soldiers conditions instead of hardware. There is plenty of money, it just needs to be used more efficiently.
Bradd Fengya
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Growing Number of Supporters, Subscribers Voice Concern about Future of the Orchestra

photo: Chicago Symphony Musicians
Dear Friend of the Orchestra,
Over the last month, we have performed for thousands of our supporters at free concerts across Chicago.
Along with this tremendous public show of support, more than 3,000 have signed our petition to the CSO Association asking management to accept the Musicians' compromise, which would ensure the Orchestra is able to attract the talent that has made it among the best in the world.
Please peruse at your leisure; we hope you find them useful and informative.
The Musicians of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Re: How Jails are Replacing Visits with Video
Tell me this isn't about private prisons...you cant have prisoners talking about conditions...this means All communications...every word will be monitored...
Kerry Pollard
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Chelsea Manning Denied Release from Jail
The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled to keep Chelsea Manning jailed for contempt of court. Chelsea has been jailed since March 8th for refusing to collaborate with the grand jury investigating Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. "While disappointing, we can still raise issues as the government continues to abuse the grand jury process. I don't have anything to contribute to this, or any other grand jury. While I miss home, they can continue to hold me in jail, with all the harmful consequences that brings. I will not give up. Thank you all so very much for your love and solidarity through letters and contributions," shared Chelsea. She faces another 16.5 months in jail.
Donate to Chelsea's legal defense here.
Write her a letter at: Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, A0181426, William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center, 2001 Mill Road, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Re: New York's Last Socialist Congressperson
Ben Serby concludes his rant on Marcantonio in *Jacobin*:
"It will require the perseverance of today's left to rekindle anything like the mass political engagement and labor militancy that propelled Marcantonio's career and kept him in power for so long. This alone can expand the ranks of socialist elected officials and keep them accountable once they take office. Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez can only be effective in their pursuit of Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and other key radical reforms if there are strong popular mobilizations behind them, something that no individual can summon with the wave of a hand.
But regardless of whether their terms in office coincide with a left-led resurgence of social struggle, today's socialist politicians should aspire to Marcantonio's example as a principled tribune of the multi-racial American working class."
Michael Munk
A valuable look at a remarkable and effective political leader.
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Lawyers for the Left: In the Courts, In the Streets, and on the Air
Aquí también lis tenemos cspitaneados por la Brigada Legal Solidaria.
Michael Steven Smith’s smart and compelling Lawyers for the Left, and you’ll find yourself plunged into the contradictions and swirling through the vortex where that question—what is the law? — is on everyone’s mind all the time. It takes on a unique urgency and a fresh vitality as it’s debated case by case and issue by issue by these committed advocates battling against a system they see as deeply and unfairly stacked against their clients — Black freedom fighters, Puerto Rican independistas, Indigenous and immigrant rights activists, women warriors, anti-war militants, water defenders, dissidents and radicals.
Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans, and the 2020 Elections
Extensive but very truthful article. A MUST READ!
Just want to remind the American political leadership that this is not a matter of civil rights and equality among US citizens, as has been wrongly projected by others, but that Puerto Rico is a country, a Caribbean and Latin American nation, invaded and occupied by the USA. Decolonization, sovereignty and independence must be the future.
Jose Rinaldi Jovet
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Wish more people read this article. They would be more understanding. Less critical. Hopefully.
Olga I. Rodriguez
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Decriminalizing the Drug War? Calculating the Damage from a Century of Drug Prohibition
Alfred McCoy’s article was very interesting. He has done wonderful work on the drug war and related issues over the years, and I have been a fan of his.
Nonetheless, there are two important problems with this article.
Perhaps most important, he seems to say that the production of drugs leads to there being people who want to buy the drugs. There is a limited sense in which this is true, in that it does sometimes create user-dealers with an interest in getting others to use the drugs so they can sell it to them. In my research, however, I have found that many people already want to use and then ask friends who use to help them get drugs.
So this raises what I consider to be a big question: Why do people want to use heroin? (Other than the fact that a lot of people find pleasure in heroin use.) Given the real harm that heroin use can lead to in people’s lives, and the widespread awareness of this harm, that is a real question. Some drug use is occupationally-induced. Some results from injuries at work or elsewhere, as away to deal with pain. Other use of heroin stems from the alienation, disrespect, stress, and/or boredom that living in a capitalist world leads to. But McCoy never mentions these issues. Organizers for socialism or against the drug war should, however, be aware of this aspect of heroin use.
The second major weakness of McCoy’s article is that it ignores the way politicians and capitalism use the drug war to scapegoat groups of people and to divide working class communities against themselves. As a harm reduction researcher and activist for 30+ years, I have had to fight this every day, and I have written a number of articles that have (I hope) helped others to see why and how politicians support the drug war. It is not that they are ignorant of the harms it does to many workers and minority community members. It is that this very harm benefits politicians and capital through the divide-and-rule mechanism.
I do not want these criticisms to obscure an important point: Alfred McCoy has done wonderful research and has been an effective critic of the drug war for many years. I greatly honor him for that.
Sam Friedman
Re: There Is a Scottsboro in Every Country
(posting on Portside Culture)
Speaking of Scottsboro, here's a performance of Charles Abron's & Elie Siegmeister's song from the 1930s:
"The Scottsboro Boys Shall Not Die," at a concert for NY State's Green Party, Aug. 6, 2011, by Helene Williams, accompanied by me, Leonard Lehrman.
Leonard Lehrman
Re: Traitors Episode 1 Review: Satisfying, Grown-up Spy Thriller
(posting on Portside Culture)
Fabulous series, that continues to surprise with its honest portrayal of the motives and beliefs of everyone involved.
Chris Horton
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Support for Justice: African American Archival Documents and Academic Freedom
Imagine archival research on African American Workers, original historical documents on A. Philip Randolph, Dr. Martin Luther King, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington and Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters being trashed.
Imagine a university seizing and never cataloging archival documents or providing a chain of custody listing numerous locations where these invaluable African American historical documents were randomly sent. One location was a kitchen storage closet, delivered on a college groundskeeper’s van that hauls dirt and trash.
Unfortunately, you don’t have to imagine: These archival materials were actually lost, stolen, destroyed and unaccounted for by the City University of New York (CUNY) as charged in my federal lawsuit.
Here’s the background: When half a dozen armed CUNY agents raided my office at the Brooklyn College Graduate Center for Worker Education in the midst of an employment dispute in January 2012, little did I know my nightmare was just beginning. It was like being in a twilight zone of unjustified search and seizure, false charges, and vicious rumors.
Astoundingly, my legal team recently gained access to thousands of pages of documents that were hidden and only recently “located” by CUNY. This information, unavailable until now, would likely have changed the outcome of this outrageous situation.
With mounting legal expenses, I simply can’t afford the fight for justice as my legal team faces the limitless legal resources of the City University of New York.
Donate To The Professor Joseph Wilson Justice Fund Now
Our videoclip above graphically shows that over 30 years of my lecture notes, book collections, manuscripts, letters from students, scholars, and elected officials was seized, never returned and literally trashed.
Even after 7 years! the university never made a record or list of seized documents and intellectual property including confidential human subject research that was exposed and compromised by the university.
Astonishingly and shamefully, the institutional history of the Graduate Center for Worker Education was erased, obliterated by CUNY’s reckless disregard for the people’s history. Disgustingly, as an act of elitism and unbridled arrogance, hundreds of graduate student’s Masters papers were also trashed by the Brooklyn College Political Science Department.
Donate To The Professor Joseph Wilson Justice Fund Now
As a scholar and activist I wouldn’t wish this Orwellian nightmare on anyone. But I have remained steadfast in my determination to fight for justice not only for me, and the preservation of African American history and the principle of academic freedom, but also for the hundreds of graduate students, mainly women and people of color, displaced and disempowered by CUNYs callous, cavalier administration. I’m deeply moved by the support of so many people. -- but we need your help.
It’s inspiring to see the growing list of people standing in solidarity including: ~Dr. Cornel West ~CUNY’s Black Faculty & Staff Association~ Angela Davis~ elected officials including Jumaane Williams New York’s Public Advocate who testified on behalf of Dr. Wilson~ civil rights leader Bill Fletcher~ Distinguished Professor Emerita Leith Mullings~ Brooklyn College Professor Ron Howell~ former NYC Commissioner Kevin Johnson, President, Brooklyn College Worker Education Graduate Alumni Association~recent Vulcan Society Presidents John Coombs & Regina Wilson~ Ed Ott former Director, New York’s Municipal Labor Council~President Laura Morand, Local 2627, District Council 37~ CUNY Law Professor Frank Deale Esq.~Richard Wright Esq.~Christian Hylton Esq.~The Center for NULEADERSHIP~ current/former leaders, Local 1199 SEIU including; VP’s Steve Kramer, Coraminita Mahr, Eddie Kay, Bob Muehlenkamp, Betty Hughley~Director Joseph McDermott, Consortium for Worker Education~Bill Henning, Business Manager OPEIU Local 32~Professor Saru Jayarman, UC Berkeley~Brooklyn College Professor George Cunningham~ NYC Human Rights Commissioner, Professor Emerita Gertrud Lenzer~Dom Tuminaro Esq. former NY Deputy Attorney General for Civil Rights. Will you join them?
These supporters understand that because this trashing happened to an African American tenured full professor and a nationally renowned Worker Education program, it can happen to any scholar or any progressive academic program.
CUNY’s acts show that academic freedom is tenuous and threatened for all progressives and politically active faculty and students.
If you remain silent, you or your program may be next.
We call upon all of our friends and supporters to spread the word via social media that we’re standing up and going viral for justice, by tweeting, and by using Facebook, Instagram, email lists, and organizational endorsements.
We’re facing a tough legal fight because CUNY has unlimited legal resources. But the truth is on our side and the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice.
Unions, students, faculty, and supporters of academic freedom and the preservation of African American historical research have stepped forward to support this struggle.
Your support is urgently needed.
Will you help this battle for justice? Your donation to the Professor Joseph Wilson Justice Fund will strike a blow for decency and righteousness. Add your voice and moral force to help us reach our goal.
Thank you!
Dr. Joseph Wilson
Click here to:
Donate Now to the Professor Joseph Wilson Justice Fund
Send a check or money order payable to:
John Yong Esq. Attorney at Law
39 East Broadway, 5th Fl. New York, NY 10002
*Check notation: “Professor Joseph Wilson Justice Fund”
Free ebook to celebrate 50 years of publishing – “Keywords in Radical Geography: Antipode at 50”
Edited by the Antipode Editorial Collective
Tariq Jazeel, Andy Kent, Katherine McKittrick, Nik Theodore, Sharad Chari, Paul Chatterton, Vinay Gidwani, Nik Heynen, Wendy Larner, Jamie Peck, Jenny Pickerill, Marion Werner and Melissa W. Wright
To celebrate Antipode’s 50th anniversary, we’ve brought together 50 short keyword essays by a range of scholars at varying career stages who all, in some way, have some kind of affinity with Antipode’s radical geographical project. The entries in this volume are diverse, eclectic, and to an extent random, however they all speak to our discipline’s past, present and future in exciting and suggestive ways.
Contributors have taken unusual or novel terms, concepts or sets of ideas important to their research, and their essays discuss them in relation to radical and critical geography’s histories, current condition and possible future directions. This fractal, playful and provocative intervention in the field stands as a fitting testimony to the role that Antipodehas played in the generation of radical geographical engagement with the world.
* * *
The online version of Keywords in Radical Geography: Antipode at 50 is free to download here. Print copies can be purchased for just GB£7 / US$10 from our publisher, Wiley. The Editorial Collective would like to thank the good people at Wiley – especially Amanda Wilson, Angela Miguel and Jacqueline Scott – for all their work making this happen.
And thanks, too, to all our contributors; the brief was broad, and they responded to it with elan, producing innovative essays that push at the boundaries of radical geographical thinking. They critique and challenge settled orthodoxies, while engaging with the context of intellectual traditions and their particular trajectories, putting creative critical analyses to work to contribute to strengthening a diverse Left politics beyond 2019.
Workmen's Circle Breakfast with Champions series - State Senator Julia Salazar - New York - May 2
The Workmen's Circle Breakfast with Champions series: New York State Senator Julia Salazar
Thursday, May 2, 2019 @ 8:00-9:30AM
The Workmen's Circle Headquarters
247 W 37th Street, 5th Floor, NYC
A suggested donation of $18 is requested to attend,
however, no one will be turned away for lack of ability to donate.
Join us for our ongoing series Breakfast with Champions, where you will have the opportunity to nosh, network, and discuss important topics impacting New York with leaders who care about the issues that are affecting us all.
In this edition, we will welcome New York State Senator Julia Salazar. The Workmen's Circle Executive Director Ann Toback will facilitate a discussion with Senator Salazar on issues including the Green Light NY campaign, her work on affordable housing and rent stabilization.
Light breakfast and coffee will be provided.
State Senator Julia Salazar represents New York's 18th State Senate District. Upon her election in 2018, she became the youngest woman to be elected in the history of the New York State Senate. She began her advocacy during her time as a college student at Columbia University, where she advocated for the rights of fellow tenants and service industry workers. Until her election to the State Senate, Senator Salazar served as a community organizer for Jews for Racial & Economic Justice, working within city-and-state-wide coalitions to advance criminal legal reform and police accountability legislation. She is also an active member of the National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO), UAW-NWU Local 1981, and the New York City chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Growing Nuclear Risks in a Changing World - New York - May 4
The U.S. National Strategy makes planning for possible wars against Russia and China the Pentagon’s new priority. China’s influence is growing across the Asia-Pacific and Eurasia. Russia is again asserting itself as a great power. Creation of a unified and independent European Union military has begun. Wars and competition for regional hegemony continue across the greater Middle East. And we face an “IndoPacific” strategic competition. When peace movements have had success in the past, they have been part of broader movements addressing the deeper forces driving militarism and war. Those same forces generate a variety of other injustices and dangers, including growing disparities in wealth, disappearing democracy, xenophobic nationalisms, and destruction of the ecosystems we all depend on.
The New Thinking and Movement Building Conference brings together an extraordinary array of analysts, organizers and activists from Russia, Europe, Japan, Korea, the Middle East and the Global South to consider how these issues are connected today, and how we might work more effectively together for a more fair, peaceful, and ecologically sustainable way of life.
May 4, 2019 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square
New York, NY 10012
Please register for this event by entering your information here - bit.ly/may4conference. You will receive an email confirmation.
- Daniel Ellsberg (Via video) – Former Senior U.S. Nuclear War & Military Planner
- Boris Kargarlitsky – Institute for Globalization Studies and Social Movements (Russia)
- Sharon Dolev - Israeli Disarmament Movement (Israel)
- Lee Tae-ho - People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (Republic of Korea)
- Reiner Braun - International Peace Bureau (Germany)
- Karlene Griffiths Sekou - Movement for Black Lives
- Andrew Lichterman - W.States Legal Foundation
- Arielle Denis – International Peace Bureau (France)
- Achin Vanaik - Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace (India)
- Yayoi Tsuchida - The Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (Japan)
- Reese Chenault - U.S. Labor Against the War
- Oleg Bodrov - Coalition Clean Baltic (Russia)
- Joseph Gerson - Campaign for Peace Disarmament and Common Security, AFSC
Please join us at this important conference by registering here.
If you have any questions please contact our New Jersey Peace Action at 973-259-1126
Because seating is limited, we can only guarantee reserved seats to participants coming from out-of-town. Attendees from New York will be accommodated on a first come, first served basis. Thank you for your understanding.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Peace Action
8630 Fenton St
Suite 934
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Photo by Wikimedia Commons // Gothamist
"Doesn't God Live Here Anymore?
Monday, May 6, 2019
Monday, May 6th at 7:00pm
Cooper Union in the Rose Auditorium
41 Cooper Square & 7Th Street
Cooper Square Community Land Trust invites you to a discussion of
The reuse of closed religious properties
The building of affordable housing versus luxury condos.
The story of Nativity Church and Dorothy Day
What is a Community Land Trust and why is it needed.
Q& A session: all are invited to participate
Meeting is co-sponsored by Community Board #3, Nativity Committee, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Council Members Carolina Rivera & Margaret Chin, Cooper Square Committee, Catholic Worker, Habitat for Humanity & Others.
For more information:
Cooper Square Community Land Trust-
61 East 4th Street, NYC, NY 10003 (212) 228-8210
Community Board #3
59 East 4th Street, NYC NY10003 (212) 533- 5300
Annual Clara Lemlich Labor Arts Awards - New York - May 6
Honoring unsung activists, women who have been working for the larger good all their lives.
Monday May 6, 2019 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Puffin Gallery for Social Activism at the Museum of the City of New York
1220 Fifth Ave at 103rd Street
New York
This year we honor Elba Cabrera, Doris Diether, Ronnie Eldridge, Melissa Freeman, and Philoine Fried.
RSVP required, via e-mail to info@LaborArts.org. Reception at 6:30, program at 7:15pm. Free.
Contacts Esther Cohen (bookdoctor@rcn.com) and Rachel Bernstein (rachel@LaborArts.org or 212 966-4104 x1703). See the 2011-2018 honorees here, find additional photos here.
Labor Arts
10th Floor Bobst Library NYU
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012
A New Deal for New York City: Looking Back, Looking Forward - May 7

Tuesday, May 7, 6pm - 8pm
AIA New York | Center for Architecture
536 LaGuardia Place
New York, NY 10012 | 212-683-0023
At a time when the Green New Deal is in the headlines and on the table, we aim to reacquaint our fellow New Yorkers with the original New Deal. How did a group of visionary reformers transform the city during that exceptional ten-year period? What can today's change-makers learn from their achievements? On May 7, a distinguished panel will address these questions and more. This event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
- Phoebe Roosevelt, great-granddaughter of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
- Kevin Baker, historian, journalist, novelist, and political commentator
- Gray Brechin, retired geography professor at University of California-Berkeley and co-founder of the Living New Deal
- Marta Gutman, architectural and urban historian, professor at the City College of New York's Spitzer School of Architecture and CUNY Graduate Center, and an expert on New Deal-era public works in the city
- Steven Attewell, author of People Must Live by Work: Direct Job Creation in America, from FDR to Reagan,who teaches public policy at CUNY's School for Labor and Urban Studies
2019 UCLA Labor Center Annual Banquet - Los Angeles - May 9
You're cordially invited to our 2019 UCLA Labor Center annual banquet! This year's theme is Our Home, Our Movement, Our Future, is focused on realizing our dream of establishing a permanent home for our projects and those of all of our labor and community partners. Your attendance at our annual banquet brings us closet to this dream.
Thank you for your friendship, for your ongoing support, and for helping us create a home for our movement. We will also celebrate the Labor Studies graduating class of 2019. We can't wait to celebrate with you!
Banquet Honorees:
- Governor Gavin Newsom, State of California
- Rusty Hicks , President, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
- UTLA - United Teachers Los Angeles
Banquet Details:
Thursday, May 9th
5:30pm Reception
6:30pm Dinner
The Center at Cathedral Plaza
555 West Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Purchase Tickets here
Metro New York Labor Communications Council - 44th Annual Convention - New York - May 10
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Local 237, International Brotherhood of Teamsters
216 W. 14th Street, Feinstein Conference Room, 1st Floor
New York City
2019 LABOR COMMUNICATORS OF THE YEAR -- Portside Labor collective
10:30 a.m. -- Panel discussion - Climate Chaos: Labor's Duty -- There are NO Jobs on a Dead Planet
How can labor help promote the transition to a carbon neutral economy with good union jobs? How does labor fit into the Green New Deal?
- Jessica Ramos, NY State Senator
- Lara Skinner, Cornell ILR Worker Institute
- James Slevin, President, UWUA Local 1-2
- Sean Sweeney, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies, the Murphy Institute
- Todd Vachon, Labor Network for Sustainability
To Register: metrolabornyc.org
Organize the Resistance - Montreal, Quebec, Canada - May 24 - 26
The Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York Office is proud to support the conference “Organiser la résistance,” presented by the Canadian group Collectif La grande transition. From May 24-26, guest speakers from Québec, Canada, England, France, Spain, and the USA will gather in Montreal to discuss strategies and means to implement in order to organize the resistance for changing the world, here and now.
FRIDAY MAY 24, 2019
Opening ceremony, with speeches from international guest speakers (Barcelona, England, France, USA)
9:30 - Conjuncture: Québec in a crisis world
12:00 - Workshops and lunch
14:30 - Mobilizing against the CAQ: strikes to come, social movements to organize
18:00 - Debate: left populism and modern election strategies
SUNDAY MAY 26, 2019
9:30 - Nationalism, globalization and internationalism nowadays: which position for the left?
13:00 - A supportive government: mirage or solution?
15:30 - The Great Transition: democratize the economy
For more information please visit: lagrandetransition.net
Join us in an exploration of Green Cuba - December 1 - 11 (The Center for Global Justice)
Dec 1st, 2019 12:00 am through Dec 11th, 2019 12:00 am
Cuba has converted much of its land to organic and regenerative agriculture. It also has developed a significant cooperative sector in its economy, both agricultural and urban. This sun drenched island is developing alternative energy and efficiency. This 10 day visit to Cuba will give you an in depth look at all this and more.
On the front line for climate change impact, Cuba is facing super hurricanes and rising sea levels. You will learn how the country prepares for these natural disasters. You will also drink in the natural beauty of the island by visiting an ecological preserve.
No visit to Cuba would be complete without taking in its vibrant music and community art. And since 2019 is the 500th anniversary of the founding of Havana, we will learn about its history up to the 1959 Revolution and on to the present reforms in which Cuba is re-envisioning its socialism.
This unique look at Green Cuba will open your eyes to a fascinating society and its people. We will be staying at the Martin Luther King Memorial Center, located in the Marianao neighborhood of Havana. They offer simple but comfortable accommodations and will prepare our meals. They also provide our bi-lingual guide who will take you to places off the beaten tourist track.
All of this for just $1,350 plus your airfare. Applications and a $200 deposit are due September 1, 2019. But don't wait until then since space is limited. Any questions? Contact Cliff at cuba@globaljusticecenter.org
The Center for Global Justice is a project of the Radical Philosophy Association.
Calzada de la Luz No 42, Centro 37700, San Miguel de Allende, GTO. Mexico. Phone: +52 (415) 150 0025
Mailing Address from U.S.: 5802 Bob Bullock Loop C1 #84, Laredo, TX 78041. Phone direct from U.S.: 1 (347) 983 5084
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