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Dems and the Folly of Micromanaging the Trump Spectacle

Josh Marshall Talking Points Memo
What is going to stop ex-President Trump from returning to the White House is voters refusing to vote for him. Indictments and prosecutions can play a role in that inasmuch as they are the society communicating to itself what is okay and what is not. They can play a role in shaping public opinion but they are no replacement for an election.

Philly DA Target of Vile GOP Ouster Effort

Linn Washington Jr. Counterpunch
This legislative assault on Philadelphia DA Krasner is part of a pattern by conservatives nationwide to stymie and/or remove the new generation of prosecutors dedicated to reforming the criminal justice system, a system historically steeped in race and class biases.

Friday Nite Videos | February 4, 2022

Queen Bee | Taj Mahal, Ben Harper, Rosanne Cash. Love & The Constitution. What It's Like To Be Intersex. The Way to Freedom: Selma and the Making of a Movement. Why This Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Matters.

Love & The Constitution | Trailer

Follow Rep. Raskin’s fight to defend American democracy during Donald Trump’s presidency and second impeachment trial, while coping with the personal tragedy of losing his son. Sunday, February 6 at 10pm ET on MSNBC.

The Case for Prosecuting Donald Trump

Boston Globe Editors Boston Globe
Trump’s presidency made clear that our institutions are currently incapable of holding presidents accountable for breaking the law. Unless he faces consequences, the message to future corrupt leaders is that they will not face consequences either.
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