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Tidbits – Jan. 12, 2023 – Reader Comments: Today’s McCarthyism in the House; Why Nurses Strike; New York’s Dems and Progressives; How Finland Is Teaching a Generation To Spot Misinformation; Rosa Luxemburg on Revolution; Ukraine Solidarity Network; Cartoo

Reader Comments: Today's McCarthyism in the House; Why Nurses Strike; New York's Dems and Progressives; How Finland Is Teaching a Generation to Spot Misinformation; Rosa Luxemburg On Revolution; Ukraine Solidarity Network; Cartoons; more...

Israel’s New Government Learned From the U.S. Far Right

Shiri Eisner +972 Magazine
The goal of Israel’s fascist right is to establish a religious dictatorship run according to their openly oppressive principles, explicitly targeting Palestinians, LGBTQ people, women, and most every marginalized group in Israel.

8 Lessons From the Midterm Elections

Julia Rock, Rebecca Burns, Andrew Perez, Matthew Cunningham-Cook, David Sirota Jacobin
Progressive and leftist voters are always told we’re too extreme. The midterm results should quash that narrative. Results suggest that when the Democratic Party listened to its progressive flank voters rewarded its politicians.
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