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The Life and Times of Conn Hallinan, 1942–2024

Charles Idelson Portside
Son of legendary San Franciscans left luminaries, Vincent and Vivian Hallinan, Conn, popularly known to multitude of friends as “Ringo,” carved his own reputation as an activist, journalist, prolific columnist on world affairs, educator, and novelist

The Perfectionist Tradition

William P. Jones Dissent
The African American perfectionists offered “faith” instead of “hope”—emphasizing the struggle to realize a vision of justice rather than passive assurance that it would prevail.

Noel Ignatiev, Scholar Who Called For Abolishing Whiteness, Dies at 78

Sewell Chan Los Angeles Times
Noel Ignatiev, a provocative scholar who argued that the idea of a white race is a false construct that society would be better off without, died Saturday in Tucson. His best-known book, “How the Irish Became White,” was influential and controversial

Athlete-Activists Can’t Be Scared Silent After the Murder of Two NYPD Officers

Dave Zirin The Nation
If the athlete-activists do retreat into silence, it would be a tragic mistake. Now more than ever, players who wore the slogan “I Can’t Breathe” a week ago should wear it today. In fact, trying to find your breath when police and media are declaring war against a peaceful movement could not be more critical.
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