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The Biggest Organizing Wave You Never Heard Of

Chris Townsend ML Today
Virginia is seeing a significant and remarkable expansion of its small but wily labor movement. In a labor movement urgently in need of new union organizing experimentation it would certainly be of value to consider the situation in Virginia.

The Marginal Realists of Standing Together

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
An all-too-rare organization of Israeli Palestinians and Jews works for an unfantastical solution to the enduring conflict. What sets Standing Together apart is the realism that informs their strategy, politically marginal as that realism now may be.


Michigan Nurses Defeat AFT-Backed Raid

Ted McTaggart Labor Notes
The Michigan Nurses Association, which beat back a raid by the AFT, is the largest union for registered nurses in the state.

Tidbits - June 25, 2020 - Reader Comments: Unite to Defeat Trump; Lynchings, Racial Violence; Trump's Arms Race; When So Many Police are Vets; Teachers Union: Cops Out of Schools; Labor and Police; McCarthyism and Black Freedom Movement; Roy Cohn; more

Reader Comments: Unite to Defeat Trump; Lynchings, Racial Violence; Trump's Arms Race; Problem When So Many Police are Vets; Teachers Union: Cops Out of Schools; Labor and Police; McCarthyism and Black Freedom Movement; Southern Communists; Roy Cohn;
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