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How a Fight Over Two Jobs Pushed the Dockworker Union Into Bankruptcy

Ronald D. White Los Angeles Times
We intend to use the Chapter 11 process to implement a plan that will bring this matter to resolution and ensure that our Union continues to do its important work for our members and the community,” said ILWU President Willie Adams.


Extreme Chutzpah! Authoritarians Launch Existential Attack on Fla. Unions

Steve Wishnia Work-Bites
Public employees would have to sign a form, in 14-point type, larger than the rest of the text, stating, "Florida is a right-to-work state,” “union membership and payment of union dues and assessments are voluntary,” no employee may be discriminated against “for refusing to join or financially support a labor union.”


Amazon Is No Friend of Its Workers Who Served As Soldiers

Suzanne Gordon Steve Early Jasper Craven Jacobin
Amazon is posing as a friend to veterans who need jobs when they return home from military service — while mistreating those veterans just as brutally as any other Amazon worker.

The GOP: Worker's Party or Party of the White Republic?

Bill Fletcher, Jr. The Bias Magazine: The Voice of the Christian Left
The Republican Party is a "working class party" now, according to its nationalist wing. But a deeper look at its pro-worker rhetoric reveals a longstanding trope of the "white worker" against invader populations.
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