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Tidbits - Jan. 24, 2019 - Reader Comments: Time for Federal Workers to Get Sick; LA Teachers Win!; MLK's Radical Internationalism; Attacks on the Women’s March; Zionism; Palestine; Angela Davis; Bernie Sanders; and more...

Reader Comments: Time for Federal Workers to Get Sick; LA Teachers Win!; Dr. King's Radical Internationalism; Attacks on the Women’s March; JVP - On Zionism; Time to Break the Silence on Palestine; Angela Davis Supported; Bernie Sanders; and more...

Our Approach to Zionism

Jewish Voice for Peace Jewish Voice for Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace is guided by a vision of justice, equality and freedom for all people. We unequivocally oppose Zionism because it is counter to those ideals.

Anti-Zionism Isn’t the Same as Anti-Semitism

Michelle Goldberg, Opinion Columnist New York Times
American Jews have nothing to fear from the new congressional critics of Israel. Naturally, conservatives in the United States — though not only conservatives — have denounced Tlaib and Omar’s stance as anti-Semitic. It is not.

The Harsh and Unjust Punishment of Marc Lamont Hill

David Palumbo-Liu The Nation
The attacks are a threat to academic freedom and the criticism of Israeli human-rights abuses. CNN should immediately reinstate its former commentator; it should not cave in to the idea that criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic or hate speech.
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