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The New Middle East That’s Coming

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
The Middle East that is emerging from the current crisis may be very different than the one that existed before those cruise missiles and drones tipped over the chessboard

The New Middle East That’s Coming

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
As Saudi Arabia slowly backpedals, we could see an end to the Yemen war, an easing of Iran’s isolation, and a reduced role for the U.S.

Weaponizing Water in South Asia: World Needs a Water Treaty

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
The world has enough water for 7 billion people, but not if countries waste, hoard, or weaponize it. Ongoing tensions over Kashmir have transformed water into a national security issue for both India and Pakistan.

As EU Elections Approach, Europe Confronts a Cliff

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
With the hard right running left and the center-left abdicating, Euroskeptics could accelerate a continent-wide crisis. Global migration is on the rise as climate change drowns coastlines, river deltas and drought drives people out of arid climates.

Nuclear Powers Need to Disarm Before It’s Too Late

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
The U.S. has pulled out of a major arms agreement with Russia, and the Trump administration wants to bump the budget for the modernization of nuclear weapons by nearly 9 percent. The nuclear powers should observe the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Could Trump Really Launch a War With Iran?

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Of course, if the United States and/or Israel join in, Iran will be hard pressed. But as belligerent as Bolton and the Israeli government are toward Iran, would they initiate or join a war? But we should take neocons like Bolton at their word.

The Spanish Elections: Another “Sobering” Lesson for the Left

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
A rally of supporters of Spain’s far-right Vox party.
In Andalucian Spain, as elsewhere in Europe, right-wing electoral success comes primarily at the expense of the neo-liberal center. But, the Left must do more to prevent ultra-rightist parties from filling the void created by the center’s collapse.

Syria’s Long War Will Be Decided in These Three Theaters

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy In Focus
As a bloody siege looms over Idlib, the U.S. is digging into the east, and conflict between Iran and Israel may put Syria in the crosshairs. Turkey will have to eventually withdraw from Syria; Israel will eventually have to come to terms with Iran...