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A New Generation of Activists Is in the House

John Nichols The Nation
Democrats have to keep reminding themselves, and America, that they beat Trump and the Republicans in the competition that mattered most - the only truly national competition this fall. The Democratic mandate is not overwhelming. But it is real.

Why Are So Many Democrats Afraid of Impeachment?

John Nichols The Nation
Party leaders need to make clear that impeachment is always valid when there is evidence of presidential wrongdoing, cover-ups, and corruption of justice. Openly discussing the impeachment power, and clearly stating when and how it must be applied, puts the president on notice.

Donald Trump’s Dangerously Coherent Agenda

John Nichols Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
President Trump’s agenda is disturbingly coherent, and it is based around militarism, austerity, social division, voter suppression, and right-wing authoritarianism.

Paul Ryan, If Republicans Lose the Senate, Bernie Sanders Wins

John Nichols The Nation
 “If we keep control of the Senate in the Republican hands…a nice guy named Mike Enzi from Wyoming is the Senate budget chair and he helps us get these budgets to the president’s desk, gets these tax bills through,” he said.  On the other hand, Ryan warned, “If we lose the Senate, do you know who becomes chair of the Senate Budget Committee? A guy named Bernie Sanders. You ever heard of him?”

Pramila Jayapal Just Scored One of the Biggest Progressive Victories of 2016

John Nichols The Nation
If there is to be a political revolution - reactionary Republicans must be removed and cautious Democrats must be replaced with outside-inside activists who understand how to make the connection between movements and policies. Pramila Jayapal is an immigrant-rights advocate who blends movement ideals with legislative skills. She was one of the first congressional candidates this year to earn an endorsement from Bernie Sanders.

Tim Kaine Has a Troubling Record on Labor Issues

John Nichols The Nation
“Kaine did meet with union leaders in Madison. But he supported Virginia’s right-to-work laws during his gubernatorial campaign and his four years in office. Even the group that seeks to expand these laws [the National Right to Work Foundation] concedes Kaine did few things that troubled them.”