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House Dems Unveil Bill to Stop Assault on USPS

Kenny Stancil Common Dreams
"We will not allow Trump's handpicked Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to slow down mail delivery, cut hours at post offices, and sabotage the Postal Service," said Bernie Sanders.

Democrats Unveil 'Build Green' Infrastructure and Jobs Act

Kenny Stancil Common Dreams
Sen. Ed Markey called the bill "our opportunity to invest in a clean energy revolution across our country, transform our transportation sector to be climate-smart, and create millions of good-paying union jobs at the same time."

Manchin Called to 'Do What's Right' and Confirm Haaland

Kenny Stancil Common Dreams
"The opposition to Congresswoman Haaland's confirmation is narrow and guided by money, not the qualifications or historic importance of what the nomination of Deb Haaland will do for this country."

Biden Given 100 Progressive Foreign Policy Picks

Kenny Stancil Common Dreams
"There are, in fact, an impressive number of people who could legitimately fill those jobs and question the dominant perspective on foreign policy and national security."