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50,000 Gather in Tunisia to Plan People-Powered Economy

Signe Predmore and Medea Benjamin Portside
It came at a time when the world has been rocked by grassroots uprisings in the Arab world, but also increasing mobilizations to counter the climate crisis, and massive economic protests from southern Europe to “Occupy” groups in the United States to student movements from Quebec to Chile.

Rutgers Basketball and the Evolution of 'Tough Love'

Stacy Teicher Khadaroo Christian Science Monitor
The reaction to video footage of the tirades by Rutgers basketball coach Mike Rice suggests that the public is no longer willing to give coaches broad leeway when they turn to abusive tactics.

Vermont's Health Care Reform Has Lessons for Other States

Science News Daily
Vermont's aggressive health care reform initiatives can serve as a roadmap for other states, according to Laura Grubb, a Master of Public Health candidate at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). "Vermont is progressive," said Grubb, also a fellow in adolescent medicine at the UTHealth Medical School. "They didn't wait until each step of the Affordable Care Act had to be implemented. They voted on their own state-based reform system."

Friday Nite Videos -- April 5, 2013

Abuse and Basketball at Rutgers. Pat Nichols Plays Delta Blues in KC. Koko the Gorilla and Jeremy Irons on Gay Marriage. The Hunted and the Hated: Stop and Frisk in NYC. Fast Food Workers Open a New Front. 'Chained CPI' Would Cut Social Security.

Argentina Adopts Domestic Worker Legislation

International Domestic Workers Network (IDWM)
Argentina adopted a new domestic workers law March 16. Among its provisions, the law establishes maximum working hours of 8 hours/day or 48 hours/week; overtime pay; a weekly rest break of at least 35 hours; a minimum of 14 annual vacation days; sick leave; and maternity leave. The law sets a minimum age of 16 for domestic work, limits the working hours of those between ages 16 and 18 to 36 hours a week.

Nuclear Tensions Heighten On Korean Peninsula - Nuclear Roulette Has No Winners

David Krieger, Jim Lobe, American Friends Service Committee
Second guided-missile destroyer to join the USS John McCain; annual joint US-South Korean maneuvers that have so far included, fly-overs by B-52 bombers and mock bombing runs close to the North's border by two B-2 Stealth bombers that flew directly from the US. The exercises, appear to have provoked the latest escalation in tensions, already at near-record highs after the UN Security Council imposed new economic and diplomatic sanctions against Pyongyang last month.