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Experts Want More Studies of Diet’s Role for the Heart

Gina Kolata New York Times
A study, published last week in The New England Journal of Medicine, is now shaking up the field of cardiovascular medicine , infusing it with optimism This is a watershed moment in the field of nutrition, medical experts say. For the first time, researchers have shown that a diet can have an effect as powerful as drugs in preventing what really matters to patients — heart attacks, and strokes and deaths from cardiovascular disease.

Daring For Democracy: How The Suffragists Upstaged Woodrow Wilson In Washington

Kathleen Geier The National Memo
The movement for women’s suffrage had begun in 1848 in Seneca Falls, but the suffrage parade of 1913 was undoubtedly its turning point. Feminists today face many daunting challenges, but it’s inspiring to recognize that at a time when our foremothers confronted even more formidable obstacles, they responded with great courage, ingenuity, and even joy. One hundred years later, their example still burns bright.

Happy Birthday, Dear Income Tax

Sam Pizzigati, Sarah Anderson Prospect Magazine
Five lessons for progressives from our first century of income taxes.

The Uncommon Courage of Bradley Manning

Marjorie Cohn Portside
Bradley Manning's actions are not unlike those of Daniel Ellsberg, whose release of the Pentagon Papers helped to expose the government’s lies and end the Vietnam War.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 1, 2013

Colbert: The War on Terror turns 12. Hannity v Ellison. How realistic were Jurassic Park's velociraptors? Honor Trayvon Martin: build the movement. Elizabeth Warren questions Ben Bernanke. Movie: A Place at the Table.