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Tidbits - June 27, 2019 -Reader Comments: No War With Iran; Concentration Camps - Then and Now; Sanders; Warren; Defeating Trump; Barcelona; I.F. Stone; Yuri Kochiyama; IKEA; `Cultural Marxism'; Cuba travel; LEFTFORUM2019 ...

Reader Comments: No War With Iran; Concentration Camps - Then and Now; Bernie Sanders; Elizabeth Warren; Defeating Trump; Barcelona; I.F. Stone; Yuri Kochiyama; Asian Americans; IKEA Workers Unionize; `Cultural Marxism'; Cuba travel; LEFTFORUM2019 ..

9 Reasons Why You Should Care About Trade

Ethan Earle The Nation
Elites make trade boring for a reason. Here's how to fight back. These agreements don't just set tariffs and other trade restrictions. They may end up governing the quality of your water. They're about the price of your medications....

The Price of Living Together

Isabel Frey Jewish Currents
I don’t think we can separate antisemitism and Islamophobia from each other, as they both emerge from state racism and the history of imperialism. Houria Bouteldja lays out the choice facing the Jewish community: provisional privilege or solidarity.

Global Left Midweek - June 26, 2019

Interviews with Enzo Traverso (antifascist historian), Seif Da'na (Egypt), Sybelle Kaczorek (Germany), Richard Seymour (UK), Radha Gyawali (Nepal), Sudanese comrades, Hernan Vargas (Venezuela), João Pedro Stedile (Brazil)