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A Green New Deal for Agriculture

Raj Patel and Jim Goodman Jacobin
farmer workers during New Deal in 1930s
Agriculture policy in the original New Deal sprang from a...mix of class struggle and uneasy alliances. The Green New Deal will have...a different coalition...(to) challenge the dominant mode of agriculture and create a more just food system.

The Texas Fracking Tycoon Funding Anti-abortion Extremism

Sue Sturgis Facing South
Farris Wilks, Texas fracking billionaire and funder of extreme anti-abortion candidates and causes, preaches in a church founded by his parents, teaching women should be silent during services and abortion is murder even in cases of rape or incest.

In Praise of a Higher Minimum Wage

Richard Florida City Lab
Raising the minimum wage helps low-paid workers without damaging the broader economy, the authors of two new research papers find.

Trump’s Attacks on Census Go Well Beyond Citizenship Question

Sasha Abramsky Truthout
The Trump administration has, in keeping with GOP spending priorities over a number of years, consistently asked for Census Bureau budgets that don’t even begin to keep pace with the financial needs of the Bureau as Census 2020 approaches.

Drug Patients Forced to Work for Exxon, Shell and Walmart for Free

Amy Julia Harris and Shoshana Walter Al Jazeera
Cenikor, a nationally renowned drug rehabilitation program.
Cenikor, a nationally renowned drug rehabilitation program, has forced patients struggling with addiction to work for free for more than 300 for-profit companies, including some of the nation’s largest, most likely in violation of federal labor law.