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Assessing 40 Years of Labor Notes

Nelson Lichtenstein International Viewpoint
Labor Notes is one of the most successful socialist projects in the labor movement in US history. It has trained and connected tens of thousands of union militants throughout the world.

Building Memphis For All

April Freeman and Bennett Foster interviewed by Mary Jo Connelly Organizing Upgrade
Memphis For All is fighting to build a different kind of city and state, one that is run for and by all of us. We need an economy that works for all of us, instead of one rigged for corporations; we need a legal system that treats everyone fairly...

US Military Base Threatens Biodiversity in Okinawa

Jon Letman Truthout
...Oura Bay is a hotspot of biodiversity, home to more than 5,300 species of corals, fish, invertebrates and Okinawa’s last remaining population of dugong, an endangered manatee-like marine mammal.

Beyond the Rank-and-File Strategy

Max Elbaum Jacobin
car production line
The rank-and-file strategy isn't enough. We should examine the broad range of working-class organizing strategies and experiences that are today's socialists' collective heritage.

The Truth-Teller: From the Pentagon Papers to the Doomsday Machine

Daniel Ellsberg / Allen White The Great Transition
Daniel Ellsberg, peace activist and Vietnam War whistleblower discusses with Tellus Senior Fellow Allen White the continuing existential threat posed by the military-industrial complex—and what needs to be done about it.