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'Defy the Thought Police', Stand With Assange

John Pilger teleSUR
demonstrators with Assange photos
The U.N. says he has the right of free passage to freedom, but this is denied. He has the right to medical treatment without fear of arrest, but this is denied. He has the right to compensation, but this is denied.

White Nationalism’s Deep American Roots

Adam Serwer The Atlantic
The concept of “white genocide” has an American past in need of excavation. Without such an effort, we may fail to appreciate the tenacity of the dogma it expresses, and the difficulty of eradicating it.

2020 Trump Budget: A Disturbing Vision

Paul N. Van De Water, Joel Friedman and Sharon Parrott Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
President Trump’s 2020 budget, released March 11, 2019, would make poverty more widespread, widen inequality and racial disparities, and increase the ranks of the uninsured.

The Pentagon’s Bottomless Money Pit

Matt Taibbi Rolling Stone
When the Defense Department flunked its first-ever fiscal review, one of our government’s greatest mysteries was exposed: Where does the DoD’s $700 billion annual budget go?

Inequality 101: Why the College-Admissions Scandal Is So Absurd

Alia Wong The Atlantic
Jared Kushner, senior advisor and Presidential son-in-law.
The 33 wealthy parents charged in the recent college admissions scandal chose to participate in an organized criminal conspiracy to get their kids into elite schools. It was much cheaper than the “legal” bribes and scams used by others of their ilk.

Global Student Climate Strike

Julia Conley Common Dreams
"We are facing the greatest existential crisis humanity has ever faced. And yet it has been ignored. You who have ignored it know who you are.”