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War With China? It’s Already Under Way

Michael T. Klare TomDispatch
Since Trump's arrival, such initiatives have escalated into Cold War-style combat by another name, with his administration committed to defeating China in a struggle for global economic, technological, and military supremacy.

A New Political Party in Poland Wants to 'Re-Christianize' Europe

Lidia Kurasinska openDemocracy
Father Tadeusz Rydzyk (left)
Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, the ultra-rightist Catholic priest and entrepreneur, is seen as the driving force behind the new Polish party intent on rebuilding “Christian thought in Europe” and winning seats in the European parliament elections in May.

As Many as 5 Socialists Could Join Chicago City Council

Ryan Smith Chicago Sun Times
“For the third-biggest city in the country to have a DSA caucus is amazing, and having members around Carlos will only amplify the causes that working-class Chicago — not the rich — wants,” local DSA co-chair Lucie Macías.