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GM Oshawa: Making Hope Possible

Sam Gindin Socialist Project
Continuing our dependence on unaccountable corporations, without the ability to enforce job guarantees, making competitiveness the only test of worthwhile activity, looking to ‘better’ free trade agreements, are dead ends -- death by a thousand cuts.

Miami Takes a Historic First Step to Stem Climate Gentrification

E.A. Crunden ThinkProgress
People try to pass through a flooded street in Miami Beach.
The City of Miami has adopted a resolution residents hope will help curb climate gentrification, the phenomenon where as sea levels rise the wealthy displace low-income residents as they relocate from their once desirable coastal locations.

Texas Judge Strikes Down Obama’s ACA as Unconstitutional

Abby Goodnough and Robert Pear New York Times
At issue was whether the health law’s insurance mandate still compelled people to buy coverage after Congress reduced the penalty to zero dollars as part of the tax overhaul that President Trump signed last December.

The Public Ownership Solution

Thomas M. Hanna Jacobin
The US has a surprisingly large amount of public ownership. But in order for it to truly serve the social good, it must be expanded — and democratized.

Friday Nite Videos | December 14, 2018

Five movies for the holidays: First Reformed | Movie. If Beale Street Could Talk. "Bisbee '17" | Documentary. Minding the Gap | Documentary. Amazing Grace | Documentary.