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Trump Is Forging His Own Gaza on the Southern Border

Jacob Sugarman Truthdig
“Trump’s border policy has squeezed asylum seekers at both ends. Officials stress that migrants ought to present themselves legally at ports of entry, while asylum seekers at ports are forced to wait days or weeks for entry to the US." - Dara Lind

Why I’m Standing With LA Teachers

Roxana Tynan LAANE
LAANE members holding Support LA teachers signs
L.A. teachers are asking for more than just a well-deserved pay raise. They are also demanding smaller class sizes, less mandatory testing, increase in per-pupil funding, and more adults like nurses, librarians, social workers, and counselors...

Listen to the Governor of Okinawa

Alexis Dudden Foreign Policy in Focus
newly-elected Okinawa Governor
By ending construction of this base, the United States can atone for its past conduct, take into consideration the democratic desires of Okinawans, and begin to think more broadly about peace in the East China Sea and beyond.

How to Unseat an ICE-collaborating Sheriff

Rebekah Barber Facing South
We actually found out that our jail not only has a 287(g) program but is a mini detention center almost. There are people being held here for immigration purposes, and some of them are going to be deported directly from the jail.

Portside Annual Appeal - Giving Tuesday

Portside moderators Portside
We can move our country forward. The Resistance and the recent elections are dramatic evidence that something fundamental is happening. Portside will continue to do our part. Once a year we ask our readers to help. This is that time.

Historic Wave of Women Candidates Sweep to Power on Guam

Jon Letman Truthout
“What Guam came to realize is that what’s most important to us [is]— our islands, our people, our environment, our land — and regardless of what you are, we wanted to put the people in office who are going to fight for those things.”