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In Memoriam: Samir Amin

Prabhat Patnaik Newsclick
Two characteristics set Samir Amin apart from most other Marxist intellectuals of his time. One was his total and absolute commitment to praxis for the cause of socialism. The second was the centrality he accorded to imperialism.

Building a Rapid-Response Network to Defend Immigrant Workers

Dan DiMaggio and Pioneer Valley Workers Center Staff Labor Notes
In Western Massachusetts, the Pioneer Valley Workers Center has created a rapid-response network it calls “Sanctuary in the Streets” (SiS). The worker center, founded in 2014, organizes restaurant workers and farmworkers in the area.

Fact Checkers Have a Medicare-for-All Problem

Ryan Cooper The Week; Common Dreams
The fact that even the Mercatus Center couldn't make universal Medicare look bad is a very good sign. Fact checkers need to get a grip.